The internet helps human beings in enhancing the efficiency ofvarious processes. However, there are individuals, especially theyouths, who may use the internet to pursue their ill-motives. Youthsself-disclose themselves or are more active online than they do inperson. Online platforms that youths commonly use include Facebook,Twitter, and Instagram. Facebook is the platform where most of thecyber crimes take place. Through the social media, youths cancommunicate and plan their activities without being noticed (Ghosh,R., & Galczynski, M. 2014). Therefore, youths use such platformsfor the advantage to discriminate against vulnerable individuals. Theuse of Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and other social media platformshave increased in the modern society and thus availing a good numberof potential victims.
The actions orbehaviors of young people associate with cybercrime have negativeimpacts on them and other individuals in the society. Ill-motives ofyouths on the social media are associated with behaviors such ascyberbullying, suicide and stalking, and psychological effects on thevictims Homosexuals and transgender youth are considered to be at ahigher risk of cyber bullying. Hinduja & Patchin (2010) reportsthat offenders and victims involved in cyberbullying have thoughts ofsuicide and experiences psychological.
Bossler &Holt (2015) argue that there is a link between offending andvictimization risks since both are considered as a result ofinadequate levels of self-control. Behavior correlates with lowself-control and may increase the risk of victimization. People whoplace themselves in risky situations or engage in deviant behaviorsare in close proximity to offenders who may choose them as targets.Individual low self-control may also place an individual in closeproximity to malicious software, and disclose personal information tostrangers who may be offenders.
Ghosh, R., & Galczynski, M. (2014). Redefiningmulticultural education: Inclusion and the right to be different.
Hinduja & Patchin (2010), Bullying, Cyberbullying, and Suicide,Archives of Suicide Research, 14(3)206-221
Holt T & Bossler A. (2015), Cybercrime in Progress: Theory andPrevention of Technology-enabled Offenses, Routledge