Women’s health Practicum
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Women’s health practicum
The contemporary systems of delivering health careare always moving towards best practice andevidence-based care models. The nursingtheory model, which fosters practice that is evidence based, is vitalin directing conventional clinicalpractice. Dorothea Orem’s Self-care Deficit Theoryof Nursing (SCDNT) can be important inmeeting the new requirements of delivering healthcare (Schuiling& Likis, 2013). As time goes by, nursing care improvesbecause of the need forboth science and art, since they involve the utilization of aformidable theory, quality knowledge, andcritical thinking. This paper is intended to choose and describe anursing theory, goals, and objectives, anddescribe the practicum experience timeline.
The self-care deficit theory promotes an understanding of the scopeand nature of nursing. It describes what nursing is not, what it is,and what it could be. It gives structure, communication, focus,connects relevant knowledge, and provides clarity, nursingoutcomes or goals, which facilitate how todemonstrate nursing care effectiveness andaccountability for any action taken. Orem outlines three theorieswithin SCNDT. The first one is the theoryof self-care, which presumes that people naturally require the agencyof self-care and as such, they learn it. The second one is the theoryof self-care deficit it raises the need tointroduce nursing interventions. Thirdly is the theory of nursingsystem, it gives direction on how the nursing role comes in to helpthe person (dependent care agent) to adapt, or overcome the self-caredeficit. In the health care system, nursing is tasked to facilitatethe self-care agency for the client/patient. The person, health,nursing, and environment meta-paradigms areto be considered in fostering self-careaccording to SCDNT (Schuiling& Likis, 2013).
The theory also emphasizes the importance of delineating concepts sothat there is clarity of terms. Thus, there will be understandingbetween the collaborating agents like the researchers, practitioners,and theorists. Orem concludes that there is supposed to be a constantevaluation and documentation in nursing practice.
The practicum goals and objectives
I will educate the patient on health promotion and prevention by utilizing Orem’s theory as a measure of reducing agents leading to a self-care deficit. I will emphasize the areas like diet, smoking, and exercises during the practicum.
I will carry out assessment and establish differential diagnoses for four different conditions. Through the guidance of my instructor and the hospital staff, I shall identify treatment for the common conditions like diabetes, renal failure, hypertension, and respiratory diseases.
I will demonstrate the physical examinations skills learned from class under the supervision of my preceptor.
I will exercise community entry to foster follow-up care for patients who are discharged, for home care.
I will take part in the provision of evidence-based nursing care for the adult patients who have special needs.
I will demonstrate proficiency in the use of the nursing process for patients with needs that are complex.
I will gain experience and confidence in the performance of roles in an environment that is supportive with skilled professionals available for assistance, collaboration, and consultation.
I will demonstrate the application of Benner’s model especially in the domains of teaching-coaching function, helping role, diagnostic and monitoring, proper management of situations that change rapidly, employing therapeutic interventions, ensuring and upholding the quality of health practices, clinical and research practices, work and organizational role competencies, and development of career while operating in the role of a professional nurse.
I will realize successful techniques of communication and cultural competence by getting the available resources and the requirements of the served population.
My clinical practice began from the second week because thenursing faculty practicum manual had directed that the clinical timewas not to commence in the first week. Iinformed my preceptor on the adjustments. The preceptordirected me to get equipped withcommunication especially on the distance, the eye contact, tone,and simplicity. She also directed me on gaining cultural competence.It is vital in the provision of impartial care while utilizing thedifferent nursing models (Kelley, Whitley, &Campos, 2010).
In conclusion, clinical practice is essential in nursing.It involves critical thinking, utilization of school resources,directives, and education. The training manual was vitalin the creation of my goals and objectives for the practicum. It isimportant to direct the nursing care of females because they are animportant part of the population (Loeb,Penrod, Hollenbeak, & Smith, 2011). There are also someother elements that are supposed to be includedin the University’s core competencylists. For instance, care of patients with acute conditions.
Kelley, S. J., Whitley, D. M., & Campos, P. E.(2010). Grandmothers raising grandchildren: Results of anintervention to improve health outcomes. Journalof Nursing Scholarship, 379-386.
Loeb, J., Penrod, J., Hollenbeak, C. S., &Smith, C. A. (2011). End-of-life care and barriers for femaleinmates. Journal of Obstetric,Gynecologic & Neonatal Nursing,477–485.
Schuiling, K. D., & Likis, F. E. (2013).Women`s Gynecologic Health(2nd ed.). Burlington: Jones and Bartlett Publishers.