Week One Assignment essay


WeekOne Assignment


Theresearch question is whether the amount of time a child is involvedwith electronics affect their grades at school. The variables aretime involved with electronics and grades at school. Time is theindependent variable while grades are the dependent variable. Thescale of measurement for time is interval scale while grades haveratio scale. Time has continuous characteristics while grades havediscrete characteristics.


Theresearch question is whether there is a positive relationship betweenchildren that play video games and behavioral problems at home. Thevariables are time for playing video games and behavioral problems athome. Playing video games is the independent variable whilebehavioral problems at home are the dependent variable. The scale ofmeasurement for time for playing video games is the interval scalebecause the difference amid tow time values is meaningful (Keller,2012). Alternatively, the scale of measurement of behavioral problemsis ordinal scale. Time for playing video games has continuouscharacteristics while behavioral problems have categoricalcharacteristics.


Theresearch question is whether social workers with less cases havehigher success rates. The variables in this research question are thenumber of cases and the rate of success. The number of cases is theindependent variable while the rate of success is the dependentvariable. The measurement scale of the number of cases is the ratioscale while the rate of success has an ordinal scale. The number ofcases has discrete characteristics while success rate has categoricalcharacteristics.


Theresearch question is whether people who do not eat a sufficientamount of food and drink enough water suffer from headaches. Thevariables in the research question are the amount of food and waterpeople take, and headaches. The amount of food and water people takeare the independent variables while suffering from a headache is thedependent variable. The amount of food and water people take hasratio scale while suffering a headache has a nominal scale. This isbecause a nominal variable is for mutually exclusive activities(ReSukal, 2013). The amounts of food and water people take havediscrete characteristics while suffering from a headache hascategoricalcharacteristics.


Theresearch question is whether employees who eat healthy lunches atwork are happier than workers who eat unhealthy lunches. Thevariables in this research question are the type of lunch employeestake and the employees’ happiness. The type of lunch is theindependent variable while employees’ happiness is the dependentvariable. The variable of the type of lunch employees take hasnominalscale while employees’ happiness has an ordinal scale. Bothvariables of the type of lunch employees take and employees’happiness have categorical characteristics.


Theresearch question concerns the impact of social media on humanrelations. The variables in this research question are the impact ofsocial media and human relations. The impact of the social media isthe independent variable while human relations constitute thedependent variable. The impact of the social media variable has anominal scale. Also, human relations variable has a nominal scale.The impact of the social media variable has categoricalcharacteristics, as well as the human relations variable.


Theresearch question concerns which research illuminates positiveeffects of online social networking. The variables in this researchquestion are the research and the positive effects of online socialnetworking. Research is the independent variable while positiveeffects of online social networking are the dependent variables. Thevariable research has nominal scale while the positive effects ofonline social networking have an ordinal scale. The variable researchhas categoricalmeasurements while positive effects of online social networking havediscrete measurements.


Theresearch question is about how the social media influences thetransmission of information in society. The variables in thisquestion are the influence of social media and the transmission ofinformation in the society. The social media influence is theindependent variable while the transmission of information in thesociety variable is the dependent variable. The social mediainfluence variable has ordinal scale while the transmission ofinformation in the society variable has a nominal scale. The socialmediainfluence variable has categorical characteristics. Also, thevariable of the transmission of information in the society hascategorical characteristics.


Theresearch question concerns the likelihood of children who were notrequired to do a job in high school pursuing upper education. Thevariables in this question are having a job in high school andpursuing upper education. The variable of having a job in high schoolis the independent variable while pursuing upper education is thedependent variable. Both variables have ratio scales since they havea true value of zero (Boslaugh &amp Watters, 2008). That is, therecan be no job in high school or no upper school education. Bothvariables have categorical measurement since they can be categorizedas either having a job or not. Also, children can be categorized asthose who attended upper education or not.


Theresearch question is about the time a child takes to becomeinstitutionalized when placed into actual foster care after removalfrom their families. The variables are the removal time from homeinto actual foster and becoming institutionalized. Time is theindependent variable while becoming institutionalized is thedependent variable. Time has an interval scale while becominginstitutionalized has a nominal scale. The time variable has acontinuous characteristic while the variable of becominginstitutionalized has categorical characteristics.


Boslaugh,S., &amp Watters, P. A. (2008). Statisticsin a nutshell.Farnham: O`Reilly.

Keller,G. (2012). Statisticsfor management and economics.Mason, OH: South-Western Cengage Learning.

ReSukal,M. (2013). Researchmethods: Applying statistics in research.San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc.