Voluntary Experience essay




Thestudy program has been very instrumental in giving me theprerequisite knowledge and hands-on skills, which assisted me sailthrough the voluntary program with much ease. Apart from the in-depthpractical skills which come along with the actual practice, thecoursework provided me with enough knowledge in the field of study.As such, I had a very easy time professionally as I was alreadyadequately informed on the various aspects in regards to thevoluntary work that I undertook. Accessing the hands-on skills in aprofession is a way ahead of getting to learn about the professionthrough the experience (Schram,1985).Instead, the voluntary work was only meant to practice my theoreticalknowledge. The experience taught me how to conduct researchactivities that involve children facing different issues in life. Theexperience was enriching considering that despite having learnt abouthow to handle children and also how to conduct a research, thesituation on the ground may be quite different depending on whom oneis dealing with. This helped learn how to deal with different groups,especially children. How to do a research amongst orphaned andvulnerable children is different from the approach that one would usewhen dealing with truant or street children.


Inmy own opinion, my experience would have been better if I wasactively involved in formulating the entire activity. The activeparticipation would have been a motivating factor and which wouldhave consequently seen me gain more experience in regards toorganising for such activities. Again, it would have assisted me tolearn vital lessons about decision making.

Thereare certain people and events in my Grand Canyon experience whoseimmense contribution to my experience and the extent to which Ipositively gained. With the people around me and activities occurringevery now and then being instrumental in my career and expertiselife, I cannot take the role played by Sherif Abdu in my life. Beingthe school counsellor, he professionally guided me and ensured that Ido not go astray. It is through his efforts that I can today boast ofbeing who I am today. Apart from the usual guidance and counselling,he went to further to guide me in my coursework.

Theexperience has taught me quite a lot and has totally turned over thewhole me to a new person. Having dealt with different kind ofchildren and who are going through thin and thick in their lives, ithas come to make me rethink how I value myself. The experience hastotally changed my personality and my religious life in regards towhat I have witnessed during my tenure. The expertise has also beencritical in my career life as I have learnt much more which I did notknow. Am now better in research and which I believe will positivelyaffect my future in my perspective career.


However,reflecting back on my volunteer experience, I feel that I did not domuch that is in line with my field of study as I was not activelyinvolved in the entire process, including the research. At most ofthe times, I was involved in children and young adolescent’s needsand strengths, popularly known as CANS and most of my work involvedfeeding the information on the computers for use by the counsellors.Regardless of this, it was not all that bad as I was able to carryout a bit of research about the children with different needs, andmore particularly the children with special needs and those facingissues with their step-parents.


Schram,V. R. (1985). Job Skills Developed in Volunteer Work:Transferabilityto Salaried Employment. TheJournal of Volunteer Administration,28-32.