Using Strengths to Increase Motivation essay

UsingStrengths to Increase Motivation

UsingStrengths to Increase Motivation

Theself-assessment of the level of PsyCap seems to be a relativelyaccurate and dependable method of assessing the personal levels ofefficacy, resiliency, hope and optimism. I agree with the outcome ofthe assessment because there is a significant correlation between theresults and the way in which the questions were answered. Forinstance, the relatively lower points awarded for resiliency arederived from the 4th and 5th questions which measure the extent towhich one can be able to work out difficult situations. Similarly,the value annotated to optimism has been derived from the 10thquestion which evaluates positivity. Consequently, the other highlyrated outcomes efficiency and hope have been obtained from theconfidence issues and the optimism concerning the futureexpectations.

Thebest strategies that will facilitate advancement in career includesbeing self-aware of the strengths and passions followed bycapitalizing on them. When these two aspects are applied to work,then the one’s potential and enthusiasm become limitless whenmoving towards achieving career goals. Secondly, being open to changeserves as a competent platform for trying out new approaches.Majoring on these strategies fosters eagerness to learn and thus thestrengths previously identified can be further heightened to betterlevels that are more valuable.

Goalsetting has a positive effect on the increasing job performance andmotivation. This method can be applied by directing attention tofactors that are goal-oriented while deflecting away from those thatare not. The difficulty of achieving the set goals can push for moreenergy and inspiration to put more effort where it is needed most.Using goal-setting can also be called into use by allocating theappropriate amount of time to achieve the stipulated objectives basedon priorities. Furthermore, we can be able to develop variedstrategies that move hand in hand with the goals that need to beachieved [ CITATION Che16 l 1033 ].

Employeeengagement involves deep involvement in the work, and it ischaracterized by the level in which employees are invested into theirroles and responsibilities. There is a positive correlation betweenjob engagement and job satisfaction. However, the firms with higherengagement rates are most likely to experience higher retention,increased productivity, client satisfaction, innovation and quality.On the contrary, although job satisfaction may facilitate retention,it does not necessarily promote production. We can, therefore,conclude that although the two have desirable impacts, jobsatisfaction is the prerequisite for engagement [ CITATION Ken16 l 1033 ].

Extrinsicmotivation is a method of boosting performance by focusing on theexternal factors that arise from performing a particular duty oractivity for example giving rewards or punishments. Extrinsicmotivation aids in job performance by moving them towardsaccomplishing the objectives of the organization. The fear of adverseconsequences for wrongdoing prevents workers from deliberate mistakeswhile the reward for performing well instills the desire to do evenbetter with the expectation of receiving more compensation. Extrinsicmotivation may affect the quality of production if employees are notcareful enough [ CITATION Ken16 l 1033 ].

Intrinsicmotivation, on the other hand, involves taking part in an activityfor its associated inherent satisfaction rather than for otheroutside rewards. This form of motivation is paramount in jobperformance because it does not require external incentives. It issomething that is inward and an aspect of cognitive social andphysical development. The enjoyment and self-determination associatedwith this type of motivation improves the productivity, quality andultimately client satisfaction [ CITATION Bri16 l 1033 ].

Theacquired needs theory stipulates that every person has a tendency tobe associated or have an aspiration to for achievement of somethingmeaningful, power and affiliation. These three factors affect thebehavior of an employee considerably. They push for the need to excelin the various responsibilities, agreement and compliance, approvaland endorsement for achievements. Identifying the employees based onthese three needs is key to developing a system that allocates dutiesand responsibilities. In this way, the worker will be satisfied andeven engaged bringing about the desired effect in the generaloperations of the organization [ CITATION Bri16 l 1033 ].

Theequity theory on job motivation is based on the point that whenpeople have treated equitably and advantageously altogether, thenthey are highly likely to be motivated. On the contrary, unfairnessand injustice breed dissatisfaction, disaffection, and demotivation.In other words, the ratio in which motivation is meted between oneemployee and the others in a similar scenario serves as the baselinefor comparison. In summary, this theory elaborates that impartialityreaps improved organizational productivity since everyone is at parwhile unfairness leads to demoralization and ultimately a decline inproductivity and performance [ CITATION Bri16 l 1033 ].

Theexpectancy theory is based upon the grounds that behavior is theoutcome of choices and decisions between several alternatives withthe main aim of minimizing pain but in the other hand, maximizing thepleasure. Apparently, worker performance relies on personal factorssuch as skills, knowledge, experience and ability. In this regard,expectancy is the certainty that more effort results to higherreturns. This theory thus proposes that when employees possess thismotivation and also have access to the right resources, have theright skills and the necessary, adequate support, job performancebecomes highly increased [ CITATION Bri16 l 1033 ].


Cherry, K. (2016, May 5). Differences Between Extrinsic and Intrinsic Motivation. Retrieved from Verywell:

Jones, C. M. (2016, February 20). Goal Setting Theory. Retrieved from Confluence:

Redmond, B. F. (2016, April 3). Job Satisfaction. Retrieved from Confluence: