Types of Quantitative Research Methods and Their Contrasting Features

Types of quantitative research methods are widely used today for performing a successful investigation and carrying out of various functions, they are known as the following:

  • Descriptive
  • Correlational
  • Quasi-experimental
  • Experimental

All these types have their own peculiar features and the differences between them originally touch upon the degree the investigator creates for control of the variable factors within the experiment. Further, we will learn more about each of them.

Quantitative methods of research are aimed at preparing some reliable and important data to explain a particular phenomenon or simply generalize this data within the groups selected for analysis.

Generally speaking, quantitative research serves to identify the overall numerical picture of the observed attitudes, standpoints, behavioral patterns, and many other estimated variables. It will help to summarize findings from a vast selection. The determined four methods of the research are considered to be well-structured if to compare with those of qualitative data gathering.

What is Quantitative Research Methods and Techniques They Imply

To continue the investigation of this notion, it is necessary to define quantitative research methods and understand the way they work actually at practice. Well, now we know that all these methods differ as they use the techniques with a particular structure and even without it at all. Some of them encompass special focus groups, face-to-face communication and direct involvement or just observations.

Due to these various methods, it becomes possible to obtain the data from the diverse resources and quickly collect it by providing a precise analysis. When it comes to the kinds of tools applied for quotative research, they usually involve computers, mathematics and, of course, statistics to take out findings. Finally, it provides a conclusion to quantify the issue and realize how widespread it is by searching for forwarded results to an enormous number of people or population.

List of Quantitative Research Methods and Why They Are So Helpful

Methods of quantitative research are actually the same as the types we have already discussed in the beginning part of this article. To be more precise, all these types or methods have the general goal – to convey in figures what is being observed within the research and to come to concise and inspectable conclusions.

The methods usually make the overall research process and its final part very informative and exciting. When you apply one of the proposed methods, you are able to explain some interesting phenomena and collect clear empirical data which can be used further to get more knowledge concerning some incomprehensible fields of study.

Survey Research to Get More Details

This one is also known as a descriptive type, which is applied to give a detailed description of the phenomenon or some factor at the moment. When the data is finally gathered, only after that the researchers start to develop a hypothesis.

Correlational Research to Receive More Statistical Data

The correlational type is more used to study the relationships between the different variable factors through the statistical data processing. If to speak about the information collection, then this type is intended for observations without the exploration of cause and effect.

Causal-Comparative Research in the Surrounding of Several Variables

The quasi-experimental type or causal-comparative method is exactly what you need to determine a cause-effect connection when comparing two or even more variable factors. There are usually selected control groups which participants are exposed to these factors.

Experimental Research to Determine Relationships between the Estimated Groups

This method of research seeks to specify a cause-effect connection in the framework of a group of variable factors. During the process of studying, the researcher tries to provide the control for those factors except the one individual factor which is influenced by the certain manipulations.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Quantitative Research Methods

It is entirely obvious that quantitative data is traditionally represented in the form of figures. When qualitative data covers a comprehensive material from the delineations of social life delivered by the observation of participants, information obtained from various other sources and the interviews without any structure.

Quantitative results are commonly organized as statistics you may use for your research paper or presentation. It is impossible to carry out quantitative research and obtain certain interesting findings without additional lists of questions prepared for the participants and, of course, personal interviews with the determined structure. These methods are a great advantage, as all the findings gained are simply transferable to the form of numerals.

Qualitative data is closely linked with an obvious observation and sometimes face-to-face communication with no pattern identified. The last one also includes the use of different information from books, diaries, personal stories and other written sources. The experts of this research method usually pay attention to descriptive elements of social life, and they actually have an opportunity to experience some stage of that life.

Advantages of Quantitative Research Methods

There are several experienced advantages of quantitative research methods we are going to look through further and consider them. So, they are as follows:

  • Give a possibility to have extensive research, embracing a range of diverse subjects that, at the same time makes the results more generalized.
  • Help to give more objective and precise conclusions. Due to these methods, you can receive the data in a summarized form about the phenomenon you are interested in.
  • Employ envisaged procedures to guarantee validity and credibility.
  • Use standard requirements which means that someone else can replicate it and analyze one more time.

As we can observe, these advantages speak volume and can be experienced during your own research.

Disadvantage of Quantitative Research Methods

Except for a great number of advantages, there is also a disadvantage of quantitative research methods you should know about to consider during your potential research:

  • Gather considerably narrower and in some cases a fractional set of figures.
  • Common findings usually contain only some numerals and lack a more detailed description.
  • The environment used during the research is typically fake and unnatural. Accordingly, the experts apply a certain level of control, which cannot be appropriate under the real-life conditions.
  • The answers you gain after your study may not correspond to the feelings of people concerning a matter in reality.

It is a normal thing for the research methods of different types to have some strengths and weaknesses. When we know about them in the process of research, we can change something or even apply some additional methods for the sake of better results.