TVExposure to Young Brains
Longexposure hours to the television harm the structure of the brain andinterfere with its development. The explanation for that finding is aresult of a research and from the general fear by everyone thatexposing their child to the television for long hours harms theirbrain structure. The common stance is that parents control the numberof hours their children stare at the television with the concern ofthe imminent danger of long exposure. The following paper seeks toexplore the possible evident effects that the children face aftersubjection to long hours of watching television, with an exclusion ofengaging in any other physical activities.
The long exposure to the television produces changes to theanatomical structure of the brain of the child together with loweringthe verbal abilities of the child (Healy, 2011). It is imperative atthis point to take into account the number of hours spent in front ofthe television to set them at an average of five hours in a day. Thelong exposure to the television makes the brain’s hypothalamus,septum, sensory motor region, and the visual cortex region bulkier(Healy, 2011). The mentioned brain regions are responsible foremotional responses, aggression, arousal, and vision of the child.Additionally, the changes affect all children regardless of the sex,age, family income of the family.
An increase in the visual cortex originates from the regularexercising from the eye while watching television. However,thickening of the hypothalamus from the long hours of televisionexposes the children to borderline personality disorder, increasedmood disorders, and increased aggressiveness (Healy, 2011). Thetelevision shows have a high density of drama, comedy action andsuch action arouse the brain recognition to arousal and heavyemotions rather than strengthening the circuits of intellect. Theeffects encourage psychological and behavioral disorders.
Inaddition, television viewing tends to be sedentary, denying the childthe benefits of physical activities and socialization. Healy (2011)argues that development of proficiency in verbal ability, the powerof reasoning and intellectual capabilities could atrophy from passiveviewing of a screen. Such conclusions originate from the fact thatthe television viewing for long hours damages the cortex of thebrain, a region heavily used for intellectual development by thechild.
Toconclude, the evidence from research point that television offersmaleficial effects to the young brains. Propositions require parentsto subject their young children to many physical activities that willwork to boost the growth of the child both physically and in braindevelopment.
Healy,J. M. (2011). EndangeredMinds: Why Children Dont Think And What We Can Do About I.Simon and Schuster.