Tobacco Consumption in Saudi Arabia essay

TobaccoConsumption in Saudi Arabia

Inan attempt to establish tobacco consumption behavior use and patternsin Saudi Arabia, a survey was conducted in 2013. The survey which wasconducted in 2013 over a period of three months started in April andfinished in June of the same year. The survey was carried out by theSaudi Ministry of Health and the data involved in the study wascollected through the use of face to face interviews. The surveyasked a variety of questions ranging from demographics, the age ofthe users among other variables. The survey targeted over 12,000participants from 13 regions in Saudi Arabia and over 10,735participants were involved in the study, which had an 89.4% responserate and therefore a good show for the study. The data in the studywas collected from 5253 men and 5482 women from participants aged 15years and above.

Thestudy revealed several findings about Saudi Arabia’s tobaccoconsumption. Most tobacco users are males and the mean age of smokingis 19.1 years. According to the survey, men are 12.2% more likely tosmoke compared to their female counterparts. However, about 9% of thetobacco users start smoking even before the age of 15 years. In orderto have a better understanding of tobacco use in Saudi Arabia theauthor has broken down the data recorded in the study intodemographics and the age groups. The age groups are divided into sixage groups between the ages of 15 years up to 65 years and over.Tobacco use is also broken down into a variety of tobacco products [ CITATION Mor15 l 1033 ].This includes: former smokers, non-daily smokers, daily smokers andshisha consumers. The snippet of data collected from the survey is onthe excel spreadsheet.


Moradi-Lakeh, Maziar, Tuffaha Marwa and Mohammad Al Saeedi. Tobacco consumption in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, 2013: findings from a national survey. 5 July 2015. 4 May 2016 &lt