Threat of Global Warming essay

The purpose of this research is to examine the influence of media on the perception of people regarding the threat of global warming. Media has been an influential medium in to our lives. They have been an important part of our daily lives. Global warming is a very alarming problem not only in our country but to the whole world. Numerous surveys have been conducted throughout the years regarding this problem. Awareness on this problem is very important so that we will know the right things to do to prevent it.

The researchers would like to know if there are recent changes with the people’s perception about the threat of global warming. The current article will describe the methodology of this study including the research design, sampling technique, research instruments, procedures in collecting data and statistical treatment Research Question: What is the influence of media on people’s perception of the threat of global warming Null Hypothesis The media has no significant influence on people’s perception of the threat of global warming

Directional Hypothesis The media has no significant influence on people’s perception of the threat of global warming Research Design This study is a quantitative non-experimental design. Specifically it will use the cross-sectional type of survey. The influence of media on people’s perception regarding the threat of global warming will be measure according to their age, gender, socio-economic status and educational attainment. This is the most applicable design for this kind of the study because this research study is about perception of people.

Sampling Design In this research, quota sampling will be employed to get the people’s perception. This type of sampling is the most suitable type of design in this kind of research. due to access, time, resource, or financial constraints In this type of sampling many sector of the population maybe represented in the sample but there is no proportional representation. There is no equiprobability in the sample selection in each and anyone of each type maybe approached to be a respondent.

For the pilot testing to test the reliability and validity of the survey questions 100 people will participate. In the survey proper the researcher targets 1200 subjects or 60% response rate from the 2000 survey questionnaires that will be sent out.. Type of Data Quantitative data will be used for this research. The demography includes age, gender, socio-economic status and educational attainment. The perception of the participants will be measured with the help of their answers to the survey questions.

These data were also used by other researchers that were interested in studying the same research problem that the researcher is studying presently. Data collected from this research will be analysed statistically using chi-square. Budget In carrying out the data collection and analytical phase of this project the researcher has a budget of ? 350. This will be use in printing survey form for pilot testing, following-up responses and other important matters that can be of great help in this project