The theory of hierarchy of needs and needs assessment essay


Thetheory of hierarchy of needs and needs assessment


Needsin the workplace are usually relative, depending on various factorsand conditions. It is, therefore, crucial for human resource to applyneeds assessment concept in the identification and establishment ofthe priorities in the development activities for human resource. Thepurpose of this paper is present a research brief on the concept ofneeds assessment.


Needsassessment is the systematic procedure useful in the determination,and thus appropriate addressing of the needs between what isavailable at the moment and what people desire (Scriven, 1990). Afterthe identification of the needs, it is possible for the humanresource to identify the cause and nature of the needs, and come upwith an action plan on how to deal with them through settingpriorities for the future. This discussion is an examination of theMaslow’s hierarchy of needs theory and its relevance to needsassessment.

Needsassessment and Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

TheMaslow’s hierarchy of needs theory states that it is imperative tosatisfy lower needs before the top hierarchal needs can be met(Francis, 2013). Maslow’s hierarchy of needs shows that properoutcomes from people can be expected in the event where their needsare met. When the needs of employees are met, they are motivated invarious ways thus posting good performance for the organization theywork with (Werner &amp DeSimone, 29012). Through the application ofMaslow’s hierarchy of needs, the human resource department can comeup with criteria for identifying the needs of the organization, thetask, and the employee. For instance, identification of the needs ofthe organization such as identification of the required capabilitiesfor the organization to deliver the expectations of the clients.Concerning the determination of the needs for the task, the requiredresources for carrying out a particular task or job can bedetermined. Regarding the employee, the human resource can come upwith policies that help in the determination and fulfillment of theirneeds to ensure they get the best from them (Werner &amp DeSimone,2012).

Inan organization setup, the needs of the organization, employees, andthe task itself need to be identified and met for the performance ofthe organization to at its best (Roth, 1990). In the assessment ofthe needs, the human resource should ensure that they undertake theprocedure in such a way that the needs of the organization,employees, and the task are met appropriately. The needs should alsobe met in equal measures. There should be no particular departmentwhose needs are met while disregarding those of another one. Forinstance, it is not appropriate to address the needs of theorganization while infringing the needs of the employees. This ispossible through carrying out a needs assessment. The needsassessment will guide the decision-making process and provide ajustification for any decision made (Werner &amp DeSimone, 2012).This will, in turn, ensure that the needs of the employees,organization, and the task are identified in the right procedure andthus met appropriately.


Thehuman resource department should always ensure that they carry needsassessment to safeguard the welfare of the employees and theorganization. In the situation where the employees feel that theirneeds are met in the right way, they are motivated and thus post goodperformance. The assessment of needs should also present the needs ofthe organization so that all the stakeholders benefit from theprocedure. The human resources should understand that the meeting ofthe needs is subject to a precise assessment of the needs. Theprocess should ensure that proper hierarchy for the needs is set sothat the lower needs are met first before, the higher hierarchalneeds. Lastly, assessing the needs of one level, for instance, theorganization, should not infringe the needs of the other levels.


Francis,P. (2013). Wellbeing and Correlates of Wellbeing: Using Maslow’s 5Needs Hierarchy to evaluate wellbeing. Journalof Behavioral Health. 1

Roth,J. (1990). Needs and the needs assessment process. Journalof evaluation Practice, 11,2, 141-143.

Scriven,M. (1990). Needs assessment. Journalof evaluation Practice. 11,2, 144

Werner,J. &amp DeSimone, R. (2012). HumanResource Development (6thEd.). Mason, OH: South-Western.