The term “style” essay

There are different meanings associated with the term “style” that depends on the circumstances to which it is used. In different fields of study, style has taken to be a neutral term that depends on the elements that can be related to it. In general, one can associate a particular thing as a style. This could be a behavior, trend, mannerism, etc. The sense of style has also been used as a means of expressing what one wanted to say, advocacies that are presently being lobbied, or a state of being. A person may wear something, consciously or unconsciously to show how they are feeling for that particular instance.

It is also used to show the image of the person or the kind of image that they want to associate to themselves. This may or may not be considered as a reflection of their true personality depending on the situation. The use of clothing as a means of expression occurs only when one goes beyond the thought that it is something that is used as a basic need. If it comes to mean more than that, then it is perceived to be a particular form of style. In the field of art, there are particular elements that are associated with this. This set of elements includes brush strokes, heaviness of strokes, lines used, colors mixed, and others.

The style of one painter from that of another can easily be discerned through a careful comparison and study of the particular style that is exhibited through their work of art. Even if it is of the same painting, the style can be used to distinguish who did the painting. It could also help in determining the particular group or period from which the art form is derived from. The cultures have their own distinct characteristics that produce diversity and distinctiveness in terms of art. In addition to this, there are particular trends that can be seen from the different periods in history that can be taken into consideration in studying art.