The Outline Solving Water Pollution in China through Agriculture essay

TheOutline: SolvingWater Pollution in China through Agriculture

I. Introduction

  1. China is facing serious water pollution problems, in addition to low water supply per capita.
  1. The leading cause of water pollution in China is household wastes, industrial wastes and also toxic farm chemicals.
  2. As a result of water pollution, China loses close to 60,000 people per year who die as from diseases emanating from water pollution and 19,000 more people fall ill.

II.The Body

  1. This paper will explore ways though which China could employ new agricultural methods that can avert the problem of water pollution. .
  2. The analysis section of the paper will expansively investigate the main advantages that are associated with each recommended method of curbing the problem of water pollution.
  3. The paper will also discuss what other critiques have said about the application methods and offer new recommendations that may improve existing application methods, completely revise the old ones or also offer new evidences that have worked in other countries.
  1. Government may set aside enough funds that can be used in agriculture for conservation purposes.
  2. Farmers may be introduced to new farming methods that reduce or eliminate water pollution.
  3. By planting grass, clovers or grains that typically suck excess gases from the soil.
  4. Regulating the number of times farm lands are tilled to control soil erosion.
  5. Through government full participation through control or regulating policy processes.

IV. Conclusion

  1. Curbing the problem of water pollution is a collective responsibility and it needs participation from the government, responsible water bodies and the general population.

SolvingWater Pollution in China through Agriculture

Chinais among the top known nations that is facing serious waterpollution. This is despite the fact that it has a low water supplyper capita among its 1.3 billion populations. In China, water percapita availability is estimated to be a third of the world’saverage. In the northern parts of China that predominantly growsvegetables and grain the availability per capita of water isestimated to be 25% to that one of the Southern parts (World Bank377). This indicates the seriousness of water population in Chinathat causes about 300 million people to lack access to safe and cleandrinking water.

Statisticshave shown that about 190,000 Chinese populations fall ill each yearand about 60,000 dying from water pollution related problems (Delang35). The main causes of water pollution in China are householdwastes, industrial wastes as well as harmful agricultural chemicalsthat eventually find their way into the waterways. Therefore, Chinais making strides that are aimed at prioritizing availability of safeand clean drinking water. This paper will analyze the most viablesolutions to the problems of water pollution in China and presentarguments that support the recommendations in regards to agriculturalpractices. In addition, the paper will also discuss their short-termand long-term effects to halting the pollution problem in China.

Themost prudent method of dealing with China’s pollution problems isthrough agriculture that will be aimed at offering safe environmentalpractices in that sector (Hill 280). China’s government is wellaware of water shortage and pollution. In this regard, it is veryimportant to consider agriculture as a measure aimed at curbing thatproblem primarily because of its conservancy and efficiency nature.This is the most prudent method that may offer a long-term solutionto water availability as well as pollution in China. Therefore, it isvery important for the government to set aside enough funds aimed atincreasing water conservation in all areas and especially inagricultural regions.

Chinesefarmers should be introduced to irrigation practices in their farmlands, which will enable them to conserve water. This method is idealas it curbs the problem of demand, thereby reducing water pollutioneffect among the population by preventing water runoffs (Yeh et al88). There are new agricultural practices that typically trap rainwater and retain it in agricultural lands, thereby conservingagricultural water and averting the possibility of soil erosion.

Inaddition, it is important to understand that excess natural gasesthat exist in the air may combine with other gases to cause waterpollution. Therefore, in averting this problem some agriculturalpractices may be adopted by farmers in this effect. Research hasindicated that some types of grasses, clovers and grains are ideal inreducing water pollution by recycling excess nitrogen in theirnatural processes.

Excessnitrogen is one leading cause of water pollution immediately when itfinds its way to the waterways (Yeh et al 88). Therefore, this typeof agricultural practice in most agricultural fields will reduce thelevel of water pollution. Additionally, this agricultural practice isideal as it also keeps the soil firm, thereby preventing the outbreakof soil erosion in case of heavy downpour.

Thereare about 21 million acres of farmland in China with a large numberof populations solely depending on agriculture for their livelihoods(Hill 288). This means that the farm lands are constantly tilledbecause they are the only means of provision of the basic needs ofthe people. This in turn has a negative effect to the land and thesoil. The first negative effect is that constantly tilling farm landscause soil compatibility.

Inaddition, the farm soil is not given enough time to recover in theexisting nutrients as well as the natural organic matter. Therefore,the productivity and quality of that soil tend to reduce considerablyresulting to poor results. It is also important to understand thatwhen soil compatibility reduces, the soil typically loses strengthand becomes weak. This makes the soul, susceptible to the problems ofsoil erosion and consequently leading to the pollution of the majorwaterways through runoffs (Hill 288). It is for this reason that newmeasures should be introduced in agricultural practices that areaimed at reducing the amounts of times farm lands are tilled per yearto ensure healthy and productive soils.

Itis general knowledge that agriculture is one major leading causes ofwater pollution. This fact is supported by the fact that most waterrunoffs that happen to the water bodies normally contain sometimestoxic chemical substances or residuals and also some farm nutrients(Delang 35). The most likely places that this is process happen is onbear lands or fields that are close to water bodies. When thishappens, such toxins are spilled to the water bodies and theresultant effect is water pollution.

Itis therefore important to keep such places or fields that are nearwaterways covered with vegetation or grass. Farmers can be advised toplant many trees, grass and shrubs around the fields near the waterbodies (Delang 35). This is an ideal method of ensuring that suchvegetation and grass will filter and absorb most of the nutrients orany existing toxin that is good for vegetation before such watersfind their way to the main water bodies that can result to pollutionand the consequent effect of that.

Theother method is important in regulating, controlling and eliminatingpollution of water is through government participation (Yeh et al91). It is important for the government of China to come up withstringent measures in form of policies aimed at controlling all thewater resources in China. There are many responsible bodies that mayhelp the government achieve the objectives of eliminating thepossibility and the problem of water pollution.

Someof the most renowned bodies are Water Resources and Hydropowerresearch institutes that are can help integrate and formulatepolicies that are important in the processes of reducing waterpollution in China (World Bank 387). However, for this process to berealized there has to be cooperation between all the stakeholders inthe agricultural sector and mostly full participation of the farmers.The government can attract full participation of farmers inpracticing safe farming methods through introducing agriculturalsubsidies on safer agricultural chemicals as well as rewarding thosefarmers who go an extra mile.

Inaddition, the problem of water pollution in the sector of agriculturecan be prevented by developing less agricultural pollutants foragricultural use (Delang 38). This is a first attack to the problemof agricultural pollution to the water bodies. In addition, thegovernment may come up with total ban or regulation mechanisms thatare aimed at regulating the use of such toxic agricultural chemicalseither in form of policies or laws (Delang 38). Nonetheless, for theoverall problem of water pollution to the consumption in China’spopulation, there are only a few percentage of water that isaccounted in this effect. Therefore, it is easier for the governmentor the necessary bodies to coming up with strategies that are aimedat ensuring that only safe drinking water is available for use. Thisis by introducing purifies that may be placed at the taps before suchwater is utilized either domestically or otherwise. It is importantto note that this type of technology is easily available, cheap andeffective.

However,there have been arguments that agricultural upgrade processes willnot be effective in dealing with the problem of water pollution inChina. The main argument that has been presented is the poor state ofinfrastructure in China (Changming and Zhikai 54). It is important tounderstand that there has been a projection that China may remain asa developing country until 2050. There is so much concentration thatis given to urban expansion as opposed to those agricultural areas bythe government (Changming and Zhikai 55). Therefore, there is a greatneed for the Chinese government to shift its focus to the problem athand by offering viable solutions in treating water that is polluted.Despite the fact this approach will require large amounts of energyin treating these waters the shift should be mainly focused atdeveloping new technologies and safe chemicals to attain thisprocess.

Inconclusion, curbing the problem of water pollution should be aninitiative of each and every individual in China. The citizens ofChina should cultivate the culture of conserving the environment aswell as being mindful of their own wellbeing. The water pollutionproblem can be eliminated through collective participation of everyindividual. When these measures are observed and implemented in theagricultural sector, not only will the citizens of China be healthyfrom a productive outcome, but will also ensure effective andconservation of the environment including the water resources isattained.


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