Theinformation shared or managed over the internet is delicateespecially if it concerns personal information or classifiedinformation such as trading company secrets and state secrets.Leaking of the information or even part of it is considered aviolation of the law and breaching of privacy. Sometimes it mayinvolve an action that is considered an act of treason to anindividual in the event of trading highly classified information likestate secrets. Despite the benefits that the Internet has brought,its disadvantages have made some individuals dismiss its need.

Objectivesof the Internet

Thenecessity of the people to connect and communicate online led to theinvention of the internet but, commercialization of the internet hasmade it shift from its primary purpose which was that it was designedmainly for military roles. According to technological advancement,determination of how any piece of scientific knowledge iscomprehended, and either if its ultimate goal is good or bad willalways be influenced by the human aspects (Waters, C. D. J. 2003). Aconsistent cautioning act is given to individuals sharing theirpersonal information online with the aim of protecting them frompeople with malicious intent. The crucial piece of information mayrange from opening a personal email account to logging in to access acompany’s financial records. Therefore, there is the need forensuring the security of information managed online.

ChallengesFacing the Internet

Despitethe security strategies that have been implemented to safeguard theintegrity of information online, breach of information is still athreat. The complexity of networks and the firewalls have beenincreased to make in difficult to access information withoutauthorization. Black hat hackers use sophisticated software to breakthrough the security measures to carry out their ill-motive.Information on the internet faces risks of manipulation, deletion orstealing. Some financial institution and e-commerce retailers havesuffered great financial losses after their financial accounts werehacked and money transferred without any trace. Cyberstalking isanother challenge the internet faces. Social media have providedplatforms which stalkers use to carry out their activities whichaffect a victim socially, psychologically and feel insecure. Stalkersuse various techniques to get access to the victims’ account oreven their computers. The breaching of people’s and institutions’account creates the opportunity to gain access to their information,use the information, manipulate data, or even delete information.

Meritsof the Internet

Theinternet has helped the human race a great deal. It has enhancedprocesses such as the application of jobs, visa, passports, etc.which initial required the physical appearance of the applicants.Communication has benefited from the internet since today one cancommunicate with another despite the geographical distance betweenthem. The message sent over the internet is received instantly. Videocalls and sharing of information of any size have been facilitated bythe internet. Businesses benefit from the internet since they canmarket, sell or order goods and services online (Woodman, J. 2015).There is a necessity to ensure information shared online isprotected.


Theinternet has both advantages and disadvantages the outcome of theinternet is dependent on how people act and behave online. It isapparent that securing information to avoid interfering with itsintegrity should be given priority. Internet users need to bediscreet with the information they manage on the internet. Personalalertness and behaviors are essential in ensuring the safety of theiraccess codes. Information managed online have the risk ofunauthorized access and use, manipulation, or deletion. There aretechniques, such as encryption and firewalls, developed to reduce therisks of information managed online.


Woodman,J. (2015).&nbspPatientsbeyond borders: Everybody`s guide to affordable, world-class medicaltravel.Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Healthy Travel Media.

Waters,C. D. J. (2003).&nbspGloballogistics and distribution planning: Strategies for management.London: Kogan Page.