The Glass Ceiling essay

There can be no doubt in any one’s mind that we live in an imperfect world where people are afflicted by problems that are more times than not of their making. These problems are diverse cutting across borders and culture, oblivious to the religious inclinations of individual personalities. These problems therefore range from social to economical, political to religious and some which are quite hard to categorize.

However there has been a trend over time whereby certain groups of people have found themselves disadvantaged and unable to receive equal rights in their constant endeavor to rise beyond these problems and achieve success in their particular niche. These groups have been victimized due to their color, tribe and most importantly their gender. These have led to various actions that have tried to redress these problems resulting to mass protests and civil strife that have tried to end racism and gender discrimination.

However, this question still lingers “has any meaningful success being realized in making this world equal regardless of gender or race. ” This paper wishes to look more keenly on the issue of women being discriminated in the corporate world since it is the pillar sector on which all other are anchored (Social funds, 2009). In ancient time women were never really considered as equal with men and therefore were exempted from making decisions involving the community.

They were relegated to the role of home keepers and casual laborers to be used for pleasure by their husbands and most importantly as children bearers. They had no distinct rights and were simply under the direct control of their husbands. In most cultures they did not own property and in all ventures were subject to the direction of their husbands. As civilization grew then the role of the woman has changed and presently the line between the two sexes has almost disintegrated with women attaining even the status of heads of state.

There is a believe that American companies have placed artificial barriers known as he glass ceiling to prevent women from attaining top positions in corporate organizations. This believe have been studied and found to be true leading to a lot of effort to rectify this situation including the glass ceiling act of 1991 that saw the formation of the glass ceiling commission (US Government, 2009). These barriers are contrary to the laws of natural justice and the fundamental principles that guided the formation of the constitution that recognize the equality of all people.

These barriers have seen only a small fraction of women take managerial positions as compared to their male counterparts leading to a great inequality in the general income of the male and female populations. It is possible that most of these barriers are brought about by misconceptions regarding the capabilities of women and their ability to devote adequate time to their roles in the light of other roles in the household set up. Recently this problem was brought to light in the giant retailer Wal-Mart.

It was noted that the company had placed artificial barriers that barred women from advancing to the top positions. Attempt by relevant stakeholders to redress the issue were thwarted when a resolution meant to abolish this glass ceiling received a resounding defeat. This led to general consent that this problem was not only very much present across American companies but in some sectors it was growing in total contrast to the need to establish gender balance in management to equip these companies face future challenges adequately.

Most of the work force in lower job groups is women and this in light that majority of Americans are women; it becomes perplexing then how companies can bypass these vast workforces and appoint only men in leadership positions. To completely say that no achievement has been realized in the bid to shatter the ceiling is would be hypocritical since it is possible nowadays to advance to top positions with determination and educational advancement. There are various arguments that have been used to combat this condition; some being political, economical or philosophical.

Political activists have drawn from the laws that banned sexual discrimination following the demonstrations of the 60’s. Economists argues that since women are the majority both as consumers and the work force then it would be prudent to incorporate more women into leadership positions since this would make the market competitive. However philosophers have been on the frontline in the attempt to bring equality to the boardrooms by referring to the general rights stipulated by both the moral and natural laws.

The bible stipulates clearly that all men are born equal and at no time does it allude to the supremacy of one gender of the other. Further more the laws of natural justice calls for fair reward of ones duty regardless of neither sex nor race. This clearly means that promotions should be based only on merit and all must fight any discrimination that is contrary to this duty. Further more people have an obligation to fair since all people have the right to pursue happiness and since no one has bigger claim to happiness than the other, then the field should be leveled and the barriers brought down completely.

Women are an integral part of our society and their role as mothers and wives is very important. It is sad though that their husbands’ uses these responsibilities to justify the continued sustaining of the glass ceiling in complete disregard of empathy were the roles reversed. It is there fore commendable to note that several women continues to rise beyond all this extra responsibilities and overcome the ceiling to achieve monumental successes that continues to inspire women to believe that they to can do it (Biber, H., Sharlene N. & Gregg L. , 2005). The new president has set the stage for a new era of equality and I hope that the rest of humanity will embrace the importance of women and together stand with one aim “An end to the glass ceiling. ”


Biber, Hunter& Sharlene Nelly. Working Women in America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2005. Social funds. “Glass Ceiling Still Unshattered: Female discrimination in the work place. ”2009. Retrieved 30 January 2009