The Ancient Cross a Symbol Still for Modern Suffering essay

1) The Cross as a symbol has various interpretations and forms which differ from once culture or group of people to another like in Egypt, Asia, pre-Columbian North America, Western Europe, and ancient India (Columbia, 12293). It is generally viewed as a religious or spiritual symbol and it is also associated with health-related aspects and humanitarian aid. 2) The cross symbolizes Christianity, crucifixion, resurrection, repentance from sins, loving instead of committing crimes and engaging into war, religious, spiritual, and deeper, meaning of life, martyrdom (Washington, 2).

The cross was also used as a badge for Crusades and an emblem of the Knights of Malta, Templars, and Teutonics (Columbia, 12293). Gerald Holtom, an artist for Direct Action Committee Against Nuclear War, designed the “peace symbol” or an inverted cross in a circle for the 1958 protest march on the nuclear weapons at Aldermaston (Behreandt, 20). 3) Some people wear a cross as an accessory to show their spirituality whereas others wear it for they believe that they will be saved or benefit from its magical power.

Definitely, the cross cannot protect a person from harm but it can give personal security and it reminds a person who wears it to be like Jesus who lived a simple life witch acts of charity and grace. The cross was meant to remind Roman Catholics about the Passion of Jesus and living a spiritual life but is not meant to dominate the world (Olson, 36). 4) The cross is a significant symbol and important aspect of the spiritual life of Christians. Christians have strong devotion to the cross, especially in the religious life of Catholics. It represents Jesus Christ’s death as a means of redemption (Viladesau, 654).

5) For Christians, the cross becomes a form of blessing when a person traces a cross over oneself, another person, and objects. The sign of the cross is made usually before and after the holy mass, prayers, leaving home, journey or travel, sleeping, meals, games or tournament, and other activities for blessings, guidance, luck, safety, courage, thanks-giving, intentions, and establishing communication with God.

Works Cited

Viladesau, Richard. “The Cross in Christian Tradition: From Paul to Bonaventure. ” Theological Studies 62(3) (2001): 654. Columbia Encyclopedia. Cross.

The Columbia Encyclopedia 6th ed. New York: Columbia University Press, 2004: 12293. Olson, Roger E. “The Cross in Our Context: Jesus and the Suffering World. ” The Christian Century 121(14) 13 July 2004: 36. Washington Times. “The Ancient Cross a Symbol Still for Modern Suffering. ” The Washington Times 2 November 1998: 2. Behreandt, Dennis “Unpeaceful Symbol: A Look at the History of the So-Called Peace Symbol Reveals That It Originated in Ancient Pagan Rituals, and That Its Use Has Been Primarily as a Token Not of Peace, but of Evil. ” The New American 19(9) 5 May 2003: 20.