Technologies of communication essay

It is difficult to imagine a profession that does not require one to interact with other people. Interpersonal communication are likely to be useful to people every day in handling complaints from a demanding client, to persuade your boss to give you some time off, or even to comfort a friend dealing with a difficult relationship. Communication critically affects our relationships. We build connection with others by revealing our private identities, remembering shared history planning a future and working out problems and tension.

We shall look at area of interpersonal communication and start with viewing back to western tradition for example. Aristotle who viewed communication as a practical art. These area include small groups and teams, public communication performance including narrative, media and new technologies organizational communication which include the personal relationships of though and actions that are shared by members of an organization lastly intercultural communication which contains communication between cultural different between people who speak the same language within a country.

Plato’s Phaedrus draws a theoretical destination between oral and written communication which grants orality preeminence over literacy. The two over year have been used for communication and today they both work together during communication. Interpersonal communication is defined some researchers as communication that occurs between people who have known each other for some time. More so these people view each other as unique individuals not as people who are simply acting out social situations another definition of interpersonal communication is a method of communication that involves two or more people.

In this communication process, the sender can immediately receive and evaluate feed back from the receiver so that it allows for more specific tailoring of the message. A definition by (Miller,1978) Therefore in this definition we can see that the interpersonal communication involves four basic elements, the sender who is the person who sends information. The receiver person who receives the information sent message content of the information sent by sender and feed back response form receiver.

The use of group technology in interpersonal communication is our major focus. In interpersonal communication, communication channels are the medium chosen to convey the message from sender to receiver. In our research we shall look at the direct channel. This is a form of communication channel that is recognized by the receiver and under his direct control. In this category we have verbal and non verbal channels of communication.

I have chosen the direct channel because in my research I will use email and text messaging technology in interpersonal communication. Barriers against effective interpersonal communication include; emotion during communication, the recipient can feel how the sender perceives the subject matter but more often than not the messages are interpreted differently from different people. Extreme emotions are most likely going to hinder effective communication.

For example communication upset or angry this doesn’t give one the ability to think clearly. Filtering is another barrier filtering involves the sender manipulating information that he/she communicates to the receiver. This could be done to favor the recipient. This kind of information mislead the receiver into thinking into something favorable and the let down may be annoying if it is found out that information has been filtered. Use of jargon is another barrier for interpersonal communication.

Not every person understands the others jargon words so jargon should be avoided when talking to someone who isn’t familiar with you personally or within our organization culture difference may huge hindrance for effective interpersonal communication when two people with different cultures communicate they often do not understand each other’s cultures and may misunderstand the true meaning of what each person is trying to convey through such sense. For example, Japanese people would say??

(Pronounced ad ha-i) and Americans may misunderstand that they are saying hi. This makes the intentions unclear between both people. Hindrance is defensiveness. Human beings tend to refute mutual understanding when threatened or rather put in a position which they are at a disadvantage. Defensiveness in interpersonal communication may consists of activities such as attacking what the sender tell one by putting out sarcastic remarks questioning this motive or even being overly judgmental about the subject matter. Lastly overloading with information.

Too much information about the same subject matter may be confusing for example having 60 emails on the same subject matter may discourage the recipient to overcome these barrier to effective inter personal communication the following should be done simplification o language. This is done by structuring language to clear simplistic sentences which the receiver would be able to easily understand what the sender is saying. More over jargon can be used within an organization as most of the people will understand apart from when with a different cultures.

Another factor is by the receiver to listen actively. This is carried out by the receiver trying to understand fully what the sender is saying and acting accordingly. Lastly the sender should include the closed ended questions such as did you understand what just said? Or is what I said clear to you? So as to confirm the recipient understand clearly the message using these techniques the interpersonal communication will b very effective. Parax is guided by a moral disposition to act truly and rightly, concern to further human well being and good life according to Aristotle.

The full quality of Parax is expressed in several action based factors. They include a commitment to human will being and the search for truth and respect for others. It is the action of people who are free and are able to act for themselves. According to (carry and Kemmis 1986:190) parix requires that a person makes a wise and prudent judgment about how to act in different situation. This factor can be achieved without use of technology to ensure it doesn’t control us. The communication theory and communication praxis are level of explaining how people’s strategies and certain technology and not another.

At the theory level it explaining how persons finally deploy particular strategies at the level of tactical action. This is because attributes of the immediate situation in which a goal is being pursed may affect strategy formulation and strategy selection As for the communication Praxis/practice, according to (Donohue 1978) it is remarkable that communication strategies researcher have virtually ignored questions like new persons who are effective succeed while the relatively ineffective fail.

The technology selected as well as the communication strategy used may explain variation in interpersonal effectives. Technology in interpersonal communication has some negative effect. An example is the impact of technology on group writing as cited in (Horton M Roger P, AustinL, Brimm D Mclormic M: 1991) they found out that technology altered the writing process resulting in less initial group planning more individual work and more revision than when conventional tools are used.

We live in an age of communication is the problem and the opportunity address by a great deal of technology design and development since communication is an interpersonal and social phenomena, technology issues must be approached with a particular appreciation of human and social factors. The organization of societies today requires effective global communication between diverse and far join social and cultural systems. This will occur through technical medication are able to maintain the flows of commerce and information required by the world-wide interdependence. Technologies of communication become the means of production.