Systematic Study of Organizational Behavior essay

The concept of use intuition in decision making is a controversial one and depends on the choice of the manager. Some managers depend entirely on their intuition while others reconsider their intuition and think rationally. Intuitive decision making is ones ability to make decisions and recognize patterns at a lightening speed-a process that often happens unconsciously ( Matzler, 2007). This kind of decision making influences the manager’s role when he/she wants to make rapid decisions concerning the management of the organization. In this sense intuition plays a major role while a manager comes up with complex decisions.

Intuition is not irrational and sudden decision making strategy but develops with time. It is therefore through this development that an individual or manager forms a developed form of reasoning that is based on years of experience and learning of facts, concepts, procedures and abstractions stored in one’s head( Matzler, 2007). This in essence shows that intuition has a great influence in the manager’s role. In this sense managers ought to hone their intuition for the sake of coming up with more appropriate decisions derived from their experience and knowledge.

For effective administration of intuitive decision making, the manager who applies it ought to develop networks which will involve other people in managerial positions so that the manager can know the feedback resulting from his/her decision made intuitively. In addition for effective administration of intuitive decision making the manager has to rethink what he/she ought to decide before implementing the decision especially when the solution does not need urgency. In this regard the role of the manager should not be entirely influenced by his/her intuition but the managers have to take into control their emotions and their attitudes.

In a situation where tactical and strategic choices ought to be made, an effective leader should learn to depend on intuition as well as evidence of the moment to reach a decision with minimal information (Cartwright, 2004). Intuition in this case hastens the decision making process by the managers. This makes things to run smoothly in the organization by stopping hesitation in decision making which might result in loss of profits. Influence of Globalization on Managers’ Role

Globalization has influenced the manager’s roles such that they have been forced to run organizations strategically by considering accountability of the resources and solution to problems. In this regard the managers and leaders of various groups have to operate within team structures and have to question their own value systems as well as the beliefs about the leadership, the company and team members (Rawlings, 2000). In this sense collaborative leadership has transformed the roles of managers such that forces in the globalization business for instance mergers and acquisitions have taken the management teams to a higher level.

Thus in this regards, globalization has influenced the managerial role in the leadership such that managers have to do business with other units by sharing their assets. This therefore calls for trust among the business units. Globalization also influences the role of the manager by giving the manager the mandate to decide on the production cost, resource allocations and the morale level of the workers in a specific region (Rawlings, 2000). This role of the manager in the long run determines the prospects of the company in the near future.

Since globalization leads to inter-organizational relationships the managerial roles are changed such that the managers have to break the norm of self-interest and preservation and consider the other units that they are working with for the sake of the future of the organization. It is the role of the manager to consider the organization’s challenges and to what extend the organization needs to form collaboration before going into one. Equally the manager has the role of considering the company’s market share, sales and customers and the impact of the company going global.

Globalization thus influences the manager’s role by bringing together all the managerial units in the business in discussions when decisions are made. The manager has to ensure that the company’s interests are put into consideration and also the systems that are put in place are able to generate organizational collaboration. It is the role of the leader in this effect to know the shared vision of his/her organization with that of the other collaborative businesses.

Thus the leaders lead their organizations towards more interdependent, collaborative initiatives that forces cross-functional collaboration (Rawlings, 2000). This clearly shows that globalization leads to a change in the role of managers in an organization and this change of the roles is crucial in determining the survival of the organization in the contemporary competitive world of business. The managers in this kind of set up ensure that the collective responsibilities are done to perfection and their shared goals-which are the yard stake that measures their performance- are accomplished.

It is to this effect that the assumption that -as international trade increases, the nature of tasks which leaders in different countries are engaged in will become more similar within industries (Ayman, 1994)-holds water. Influence of Diversity on Managers’ Role Corporate diversity is contemporarily something that cannot be over looked by any management. Diversity has inevitably influenced the manager’s roles in their endeavor in managing in various ways. This can be denoted from the fact that the managers tend to focus on what the employees want versus what is expected from him/her.

In this sense diversity influences the manager by ensuring that the manager comes up with strategies that reach out for the customers who are potential but are not reached- this implies that the corporate managers endeavor to reach out for diverse customers- thus diversity influencing the role of the manager. In addition the role of the manger is influenced such that the manager does not embrace diversity alone but does this to ensure that the corporation he/she is working for has a future.

In this regard the manager might be influenced to employ new employees to cater for the new crop of clients who have their own special needs which need to be taken care of. In the process of embracing diversity the managers ought to be patient, since they need to realize that they are working on a cultural change (Swanson, 2002). The managers are therefore should expect to experience resistance towards this cultural change. Therefore, diversity in this sense will affect the approach in which they will handle their managerial roles. The goal of the diversity directors is to ‘weave diversity into the everyday operation of the firm.

’(Swanson, 2002) and the therefore have to alter their roles by coming up with tactical methods of accomplishing their mission and goal of inclusiveness. Diversity factors impact the role of managerial levels in an organization and thus challenge the work of managers. Therefore as the managerial roles come uniform across the international countries in globalization, there is the need for the managers to address the diversity factor of culture, resource availability (Ayman, 1994). The role of the manager is influenced by diversity such that managers need to gain a deep understanding of each and every person’s uniqueness.

The manager’s role should be therefore streamlined to be in line with these diversities. In their endeavor to manage, managers are influenced by diversity such that they will try to appreciate their followers and show their followers or juniors that they need them. In this regard the employees will want their leaders value their advice, wisdom and ideas (Upshur-Myles, 2007). Thus it can be denoted that diversity has a great influence in how organizations are managed and hence the manager’s roles.


Ayman, R. (1994) Defining Global Leadership in Business Environments. Consulting Psychology Journal Cartwright, T. (2004) Feeling your way: Enhancing Leadership through Intuition. Leadership in Action. ABI/INFORM Global pg. 8 Vol. 24 NO 2 Matzeler, K. (2007) Intuitive Decision Making. MITSloan Management Review Vol. 49 NO. 1 Rawlings, D. (2000) Collaborative Leadership Teams. Oxymoron or New Paradigm? Personal Decisions International. Consulting Psychology Journal Swanson, D. (2002) Diversity Programs: Attitude and realities in the contemporary corporate environment. Corporate Communications, 7,4: ABI/INFORM Global pg. 257 Upshur-Myles, C. (2007) What Followers Want from Leaders: Capital on Diversity. Nonprofit World. ABI/INFORM Global pg. 15 Vol. 25 NO 5