of an Interview
of an Interview
Accordingto the interviewee, religious angle of euthanasia dictates that noone should take away the life of a human being regardless of thesituation, as prohibited by the bible. In Genesis chapter 6, verse 9,the bible states that human beings are created in the image of God,and as such, the ultimate sin against humanity would be that oftaking away life. Again, in Colossians chapter 2 verse 7 states thathuman beings are bought at an ultimate price and therefore the bodydoes not belong to human beings and therefore, oneself or anotherperson should whatsoever the case not take away the life of a person.The Christian doctrine highly upholds the sanctity of life and itshould be faced even at adversity. According to the scripturalstipulations, God is always good to those who believe him and He iscapable of taking care of human life. In short, the Christianteachings do not allow termination of life by human being tothemselves or to any other person. Anyone who subscribes to theChristian teachings and doctrine is therefore supposed to stay out ofany circumstance that would end up in termination of life, includinginduced or voluntary euthanasia.
Interms of the regulations and legislation, he feels that it would beunethical for the government to legalize either assisted or voluntaryeuthanasia. It can highly promote cases of suicide as it would beconsidered to be cheaper than actually taking care of them. Again,the legislation would be very open to abuse and even hard for thegovernment to control the situation. The regulations will alsoincrease the suicide cases amongst the elderly and who at times feelas if they are burdening their caretakers. In places where the law isin place, the health facilities have been declining to offertreatment and instead assisting in carrying out the suicide. Further,voluntary or process that would be considered to be under the legalparameters.
Askedof the regulations or standards that should be implemented if such alaw was to be passed, the interviewee strictly maintained on theprevious stand, citing that as for him, no condition at all can beput in place as such a law should not exist. With or withoutconditions, euthanasia remains to be evil in the Christian setup andagainst the doctrinal teachings, and more so, unethical and thatwhich can promote uncontrolled murder and suicide on a nation. Basingit even on the national laws, it is illegal to take away life andpassing a regulation that allows the same would be a sign ofhypocrisy and breach of the same law. Even if regulations were to beput in place dictating how euthanasia should take place, it would notbe enough to monitor the situation thus further opening it to abuse.The interviewee therefore, sticks to the state that human life ismore important and should be taken care of and he cannot stand to seesuch a law come into place.
Onwhether he would help a family member who chooses voluntary orassisted euthanasia, he disputed it, citing that according to hisbelief, he would try to show them that as long as they are alive, Godhas a purpose for their life and which they may not be aware of. Allhe would do is to help them feel more comfortable as they await thegentle taking away of life by God.