Sports and Education essay

Sportsand Education

Itis the opinion of Sastra (2015) that gaming events began theirincorporation into education as Physical Education (P.E.) in the1940s after a strong refutation in the years before. Sporting wasregarded as a rich-people thing, but eventually was accepted for itseducational value and is recognized as a foundation subject. With theincrease of health-related fitness concerns, the government beganfunding of sport to motivate its integration into schools. Theupcoming report that the United States continually spends more moneyon a high school athlete than an academic-oriented student hascreated negative critics about sports. (Hitt &amp Bowen, 2013)

Thispaper is written to prove that sports are of significant importanceto academic performance. This explains why games were consideredsignificant hence being integrated into the education system andeven having part of the United States budget allocated to sports. Italso discusses the social and emotional development of studentsthrough sports. Additionally, this essay expounds on the policiesthat have been enacted to support physical education programs. Forsports to be integrated homogeneously in every part of the country,some policies had to be created so as to make this possible. Thisessay will argue the case in support of the importance of sports tostudents and subsequently, the all-encompassing education arena.

Importanceof sporting events to education

Accordingto (Greene, 2014), there is sufficient research showing that studentswho participate in sports and athletics fare better in school, andlater on in life, than those who do not. Since games areintellectually demanding activities that need a lot of organization,they help a student become self-disciplined thereby gainingleadership qualities. When compared to schools that don`t providesports education, those that did produce higher test scores andgraduation rates. The statements above explain the importance ofsports to all students because it affects their academic performancewhich is the core activity undertaken in schools in so doingimpacting positively on the education process.

Frank(2013) notes that gaming events customarily break the monotonyincubated by too much classwork. Students usually look forward to thepractice time of the day. It is proven that most students choosetheir schools of choice at every level of the sports offered andtheir records (Siedentop, Hastle, &amp Mars, 2011). Talentedstudents who cannot afford to play in the recreational leagues alsoget to benefit from the different gaming events in learninginstitutions are accessible free of charge. There is also ahealth-oriented benefit to sports. Doctors are known to concur withthe fact that sporting events give developing children strong bonesas they grow up hence producing healthy children. Also, these kidsare bound to concentrate more and yield better academic performance.

Theevidence above demonstrates that needy but talented students dobenefit from schools that offer sports. Singling out sports only asthe non-important activity is to deny students the benefits they canget. In addition to the physical and intellectual benefits, there aresocial and emotional benefits of sports (Frank, 2013). It is a factthat most games require a student to join a team. These units providean arena for students to create social ties and links. This directlyinfluences the social skills that a student develops in life. Theability to work in a team also makes a student cultivatesocially-acceptable mannerisms. Therefore, it is apparent that inaddition to the academic benefits, sporting events do play a crucialrole in the molding of an all-rounded member of the society.

Physicaleducation tutors and coaches also have an impact on education. Thesepeople become mentors to the students and individuals that admirethem. Therefore, they help build their personality. These guides areheld highly by the students and hence, can increase their self-esteemand make them better people by fostering their educational and socialcompetencies. Sports mentors also encourage educational and socialinclusion in the society by organizing volunteering programs and peerprograms with the members of the community.

Accordingto Frank (2013), research shows that gaming events help to reducestress. Athletics have been proven to make people more active hencebetter blood flow, substantially reducing stress levels. Students gettheir worries deflected from their present worries and fears whenparticipating in sport. Also, when one is cheered on by theirteammates, their self-esteem is enriched. Ability to accept losses ina team and also take correction makes students emotionally healthyand increases their ability to deal with other life decisions better.

Verymany countries have implemented policies to provide for physicaleducation provision in schools (Sastra, 2015). These systemshighlight the importance of sports in child development. There aremany different policies enacted, postulating the right of everystudent to participate in the physical education program, the freedomto expression during the physical education, and the right to beinvolved in youth educational development undertakings.

Itis the duty of the government, through the Ministry of Sports andRecreation, to ensure that schools participate in the right type ofsports and recreation activities and that it is implemented in allinstitutions. A task force, for instance, known as The United NationInter-Agency Taskforce on Sport for Development and Peace, endorsesthe fact that sporting activities are a crucial factor in theprovidence of quality education. Their duty is to create strategiesthat bulwark the need for quality education by supporting sportsdivision. (Greene, 2014)

Thisshows the significance that governments bestows on sports andathletics for students in schools. This dynamic and vigorousprotection of the students` rights to games demonstrates theimportance of sports in institutions. In conclusion, sports are veryvital for both cognitive and physical growth. Children need to beginphysical education at a very young age and perfect fitness as theygrow up. Sports breaks the monotony, cheers students up emotionallycreating desirable academic results. Despite the fact that policieshave been designed to foster the provision of physical activities inschools, there is a huge difference between these visions to thecurrent reality in schools. More should be done to increase physicaleducation implementation in schools.


Frank, A. M. (2013). Sports and education: a reference handbook. California: Santa Barbara.

Greene, J. P. (2014, October 21). The Opinion Pages: Room for debate. Retrieved from The New York Times: f-school-2/sports-and-education-work-well-together

Hitt, C., &amp Bowen, D. H. (2013). High-School sports aren`t killing Academics. The Atlantic, 15.

Sastra, A. (2015). Importance of sports in Education. The Chennai, 25.

Siedentop, D., Hastle, P. A., &amp Mars, H. V. (2011). Complete guide to sport educatio. Illinois: Champaign.