Social Contract Theory essay

SocialContract Theory

SocialContract Theory

Hobbesresponded by depicting human nature totally based on the state ofnature, implying what is most beneficial to a person. Thus asrational beings, men decide to adhere to the codes of a sovereign orrather political organization so as to reside in a civil society.Humanity has the ability to overcome the state of nature, eventually,develop a community (Grčić, 2009).The established society has theability to attain harmony through the creation of universal laws thathave same techniques of enforcement.

Locke,on the other hand, differed with Hobbes insensitive perception of thestate of nature. He maintained that in as much as the state of natureencompasses total liberty to exploit anything without interferenceit is not a state without morality. Locke supposed that there existeda law of nature, the ground of all morality and bestowed by God. Itrequires individuals not to hurt other people`s life, freedom orpossessions (Savonius, Walmsley,&amp Schuurman, 2010). Locke confersthat social contract exists while humanity in the state of natureacknowledges and adheres to the law of nature thereby establishing acivil society. Political society, as well as government, is formedvia mutual consent.Consequently, they develop a single group underone government so as to protect property against individuals whoviolate the law of nature.

Rousseaumodified Hobbes law of nature through differentiating self-love andself-centered vanity that places one`s need above others. He proposedthat human beings are naturally equal and free (Rousseau, &amp Cole,2013). The authority is right in the instances where it is createdvia contracts to render individual liberated to the collective will.In his social contract theory, there is the presence of mutualrelation amidst the government, in charge of the good of persons andindividuals determined to achieve the common good.

Thestate is based on social contract, individual under a state adhere tothe rules that every person does. In this case, every person benefitsequally from social goods (Gerrard, 2012). The limits on governmentpowers are an infringement of personal liberty as the governmentpossesses the authority to implement laws as well as agreements thatdeprive human nature of its rights.

Myrole and obligation as a citizen entail payment of taxes,participating in government activities, respecting other people`spossession and ensuring that the society is fair and just so thatothers needs are considered.


Grčić,J. (2009). Ethicsand political theory.Lanham, Md: University Press of America

Rousseau,J.-J., &amp Cole, G. D. H. (2013). Thesocial contract: And discourses.New York: E.P. Dutton and Company, Inc.

Savonius-Wroth,S.-J., Walmsley, J., &amp Schuurman, P. (2010). TheContinuum companion to Locke.London: Continuum.

Gerrard,G. (2012). Thenew social contract: Beyond liberal democracy.Lanham, Md: University Press of America.