Shoulder Pathology essay



Shoulderproblems are common medical conditions that may be caused by one’soccupation, but they also limit the productivity of the affectedworker. It is estimated that about 13 % of the shoulder problems arework-related (Matsen, 2008). Rotator cuff disease is among the mostcommon types of shoulder problems. This condition is characterized bythe occurrence of pain in the upper lateral arm. The most problematicissues that lead to a decline in occupational performance amongpatients include cuff dysfunction and pain at the shoulder (Thelen,Dauber &amp Stoneman, 2013).

Inmost cases, the rotator cuff affects occupational skills that involvethe mobility of arms. This is because the pain that the patientexperience makes it difficult to move the arm. About a half of thecases of rotator cuff last for more than one year, which force aworking patient to terminate employment or take sick leave from timeto time (Thelen, Dauber &amp Stoneman, 2013). This leads to the lossof intellectual skills that one might have gained through experience.The frequent leaves that the patient takes from work leads to adverseperformance patterns. However, the performance of an employee whoseactivities demand the lifting of the equipments and movement of thearms is affected the most. Therefore, the body function is among thekey client factors that affect the occupational performance ofpatients suffering from rotator cuff.

Thesupport of the occupational therapists may help the affected personenhance occupational performance (Matsen, 2008). This can be achievedby training the employee on the best position of the arm that canhelp them work without feeling the man.

Inconclusion, pain and cuff dysfunction reduce the occupationalperformance of people suffering from rotator cuff. However, theintervention of the occupational therapists may help the patientavoid frequent sick leaves and minimize the pain that they feel whileworking.


Matsen,A. (2008). Rotator-cuff failure. TheNew England Journal of Medicine,358, 2138-2147. Retrieved May 11, 2016, from

Thelen,D., Dauber, A., &amp Stoneman, D. (2013). The clinical efficacy ofKinesio tape for shoulder pain: A randomized, double-blinded clinicaltrial. Journalof Orthopedic and Sports Physical Therapy,38 (7), 389-395. Retrieved May 11, 2016, from