Self-reliance and pursuit of truth essay


Self-relianceand pursuit of truth

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Thephilosophical differences distinguish between various strategies ofdevelopment in governments, donor agencies among others. In thiscase, in an agency that is in favor of self-reliance, it may use theexternal resources i.e. the training, funds etc. provided the poorare responsible for the obtained benefits. For example, a largenumber of the Americans have been found to believe that they ought tostand for themselves and in this case that they rather take care oftheir problems by themselves instead of waiting for their governmentto stand for them. This, therefore, gives them the assurance ofself-reliance. On the other hand, a large number of the Americansinsist on the provision of the poor, the needy, the elderly, and thehungry among other populations by the government. They also pressurethe government to ensure that the jobless people get jobs while thosein jobs not to lose their jobs as well. Therefore, the governmentought to include in its expenditures the health, public welfare,social security as well as education. It was thus once the American’smatter of pride in their self-reliance as in they could personallydeal with their own problems without involving other parties (EmersonR. W. 2012).

Thevalue commitment to the interests of the society so as to moderatethe reliance on self-interest gives an explanation of the support forthe sponsored solutions of the government. The results from suchapproaches show that when evaluating the public policy proposal, thecitizens put into consideration both self and the societal interests.

EmersonR.W. (2012) argues that at the point of calmness, power becomesdormant: it thus settles in a change to a new form from the initial.He then poses a question of Self-reliance and claims that power willbe there and not confident but agent. Therefore, a poor external wayof speaking according to him is to talk of reliance. All cities,nations and kings among others must be over powered and be governedby an individual or group of people who abide by the principles bythe law of nature. The ultimate fact, therefore, that is attained isthat the Supreme Cause is the predicate of self-existence. It thusentails the degree at which the measure of good enters into all thelower forms and that naturally power is an essential measure ofright.

Accordingto Adler M. J. (1997), philosophy is all about great ideas ideas arethoughts of human beings. He came up with six great ideas three ofthe ideas are judged by truth, beauty and goodness while the otherthree great ideas people live by them and act on justice, liberty andequality. The truth in Adler’s view has objective and subjectiveaspects. He explains that people’s subjective judgment is notimmutable as a statement’s objective truth may be.

AdlerM. J. (1997) notes that much as truth is sovereign to good andbeauty, justice is sovereign to liberty and equality and that uponthe three great ideas that we act on, they fall in the category ofgoodness. In this case, morality is achieved by acting right andjustly to other people. He says that in the search for truth, thetruth is regarded as an object of desire and as a result, goodness isattributed to the truth. For instance, within the marketing andconsumer behavior, a crisis literature was found on the role oftruth. Prior to the occurrence of this crisis, the truth wasconsidered the overriding central goal of the marketing theory. Thisis as a result of the production of a crisis literature due to alltheory and research efforts found to underlie the philosophical andthe contemporary social science foundations and thus have beenquestioned. In another account, it is on the truth on how the humanmind works. Adler M. J. (1997) argues that when new truths are addedto the existing body of knowledge, then it is a right step towardsthe search for truth.


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