Schleiden and Schwann essay

To know whether the cell theory espoused by Schleiden and Schwann was a product of deductive or inductive reasoning, we must first know what it is and how they came up with the doctrine. According to Schleiden and Schwann, all organisms are composed of similar units of organization, called cells (Aleph). The cell theory was developed when Theodor Schwann and Matthias Schleiden, over after-dinner coffee talking about cells, discovered that animal cells were exactly the same as plant cells. (Aleph). The discovery led them to conclude that all living matter are composed of cells.

At this juncture, it may very well be said that the cell theory is a product of deductive reasoning. From the two discoveries – animals are made up of cells and plants are made of cells – the scientists deduced that both things are made up of cells and concluded that cells make up all living things. 2. People who are allergic to aspirin or penicillin often wear Medic Alert bracelets or necklaces that note this fact in case they need emergency medical treatment and are unable to communicate. Why would this be important for a person with situs inversus to have this noted on a Medic Alert bracelet?

Answer Patients suffering from situs inversus must wear bracelets to let physicians know of their condition situs inversus is in no way presumed, yet it is has great effect on the physician ability to diagnose the patient effectively. Situs inversus is a condition where the internals organs of the patient are arranged in such a way that it forms a mirror image of a normal person’s internal organs. It entails that “the morphologic right atrium is on the left, and the morphologic left atrium is on the right. . .

the left lung has 3 lobes and the right lung has 2 lobes . . . the liver and gallbladder are located on the left, whereas the spleen and stomach are located on the right” (Wilhelm, 2007). Confusion and missing location-specific symptoms are common with situs inversus patients, thus the bracelets serve as a “heads up. 3. Architect Louis Henri Sullivan coined the phrase, “Form ever follows function. ” What do you think he meant by this? Discuss how this idea could be applied to the human body and cite a specific example of human anatomy to support it.

Answer Form follows function basically means that the physical appearance of an object or its form is dictated by its function. An object’s form is that way because it will serve its purpose effectively by being that way. This term was used in architecture but interestingly nature also follows this principle. A perfect example of form following function in nature is the form of human’s teeth. Unlike some animals which mouths are lined with a single tooth type, we humans have evolved four different types of tooth.

Because of our diverse diet, we have teeth for tearing, teeth for cutting and teeth for grinding (Farr, 2002).

References Aleph. The Cell theory. Retrieved January 26, 2008, from http://aleph0. clarku. edu/huxley/SM1/Cell. html Farr, Gary (2002 May 24). The Teeth. Retrieved January 26, 2008, from http://www. becomehealthynow. com/article/bodydigestive/678/ Wilhelm, Annamaria (2007 December 5). Situs Inversus. Retrieved January 26, 2008, from http://www. emedicine. com/radio/topic639. htm