RTI Case Study Laney essay


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Inability to decode during reading is a common problem that manystudents encounter. While this problem may occur because ofdisabilities in the student from birth, other factors such aspersonal interests and preferences may be major contributing factors.The establishment of the real cause of the problem, for instance forLaney, will form the foundation for the attainment of the bestsolution to the problem.

Laney’s Strengths

Laney has good socialization skills that make her peers to like her.This is important in learning because it will enable her to learnfrom them. She also has the passion since she accepts an additionalTier with the hope that it would assist in boosting her readingabilities. Furthermore, Laney is cooperative because her teachershave not noticed any problem in her behavior that might befacilitators of her poor decoding ability.

Laney’s Performance

Laney’s performance lacks consistency that proves poor developmentand incapability of benefiting from the additional Tier organized forher. The first three scores that fall within the goal line showedthat in the beginning, the additional Tier influenced positively butsoon after, Laney got back to her initial conditions, which isresponsible for her poor performance rendering the programinsignificant.

Language, Culture and Interests

Perhaps Laney slowness in reading denies her sustained devotion anddecent processing pace, which causes her to forget what she reads.The problem can also be occurring because of poor memory. Inaddition, Laney may be having poor tracking ability as she may beskipping words or lines when she reads, denying her the capability ofdrawing meaning. Furthermore, Laney might be having poor vocabularythat limits her capability of comprehending and remembering thewords. She might also be having low reasoning and logic that presentserious problems in decoding.

Laney problems could have different causes such as she may haveinherited reading problems from her family, nonstandard dialect usedby the family and low socioeconomic status that cause lack ofinterest as well as preference to nonacademic activities. Therefore,Laney exhibits inferiority complex and hopelessness that blockall avenues for improvement. In addition, an important issue is theemotional aspect that perhaps seems that Laney is more comfortable tolearn in a group rather than alone. Therefore, a Tier organized forher as a single person is fruitless as it causes monotony anddemotivation that prevents comprehension.

Additional Information Required

The safety of the psychological environment is necessary to determineif the Laney is acquiring all the basic needs required to shape herthinking to the learning process. This information is important indetermining the degree of trust and belonging required for excellentlearning (Powell &amp Kusuma-Powell, 2016).


Laney might be suffering from slow reading ability, poor tracking andvocabulary, poor reasoning, lack of interest and bad familybackground in reading. Good socialization skills show that Laneyprefers group rather than individual learning. Information regardingpsychological safety is necessary to establish Laney’s reason forlack of interest.


Powell, W. and Kusuma-Powell, O. (2016). Knowing our Students asLearners. Retrieved from:&lthttp://www.ascd.org/publications/books/111011/chapters/Knowing-Our-Students-as-Learners.aspx&gt

The IRIS Center for Training Enhancements, (2008). RTI (part 5): Acloser look at Tier 3. Retrieved from:&lthttp://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/rti05-tier3/#content&gt