Research Knowledge and Nursing essay

ResearchKnowledge and Nursing

ResearchKnowledge and Nursing

Overthe whole time and process of learning the profession of nursing, theimportance of the pivotal role of the knowledge of research processesis inevitable. The knowledge on research processes acts to be cruciallearning tip that has aided acquiring knowledge on the variousnursing components. To begin with, research methods and theunderstanding of the laid down processes acts as a necessary tool forthe continual development of a relevant body of nursing that involvesgetting full knowledge of the professional course (Burns, 2010). Itis an expectation from the field and the professional practice ofnursing that a learner possesses immense knowledge on the variousaspects regarding nursing. Hence, it is from the expertise ofresearch process that truly aids to find, source, compile, and learnabout the areas of nursing.

Theknowledge of the research has evidence to improve the professionalaccountability through the nursing learning curve (Burns, 2010). Inthe case where the nurses incorporate their evaluations and clinicaldecisions based on research. The knowledge of the research processesfacilitates the assessment of the efficacy of the nurses thepractice that may go along in articulation in the role they deliverto the health service. The knowledge of the research processesadditionally aid the learners of the profession to engage in thespiraling costs of the health care and learn about the variouscost-containment practice to institute during their service in thehealth sector (Burns, 2010). The clarification offered from theresearch results, and the skills to deduce the truth from theresearch processes give the nurses a tendency to make informeddecisions as they proceed through each phase of the nursing learningand eventually to the career world of nursing.


Burns,N., &amp Grove, S. K. (2010). UnderstandingNursing Research: Building an Evidence-Based Practice.London: Elsevier Health Sciences.