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The report aims at analyzing issues related to job analysis andputting into consideration all aspects related to the same, forinstance explaining the method and responsibilities required. It alsoaims at describing the desired position and providing an explanationof how an individual will use the created job description to createperformance appraisal that observes the set standards within anorganization.

Table of content

1.0 Introduction

2.0 Explanation of methods of job analysis

3.0 Describe how the position that is being created ties back tothe organization`s mission and goals.

4.0 Creation of a job description

5.0 An explanation of how you will use the job description tocreate the performance appraisal

6.0 Conclusion

1.0 Introduction

Job analysis is the procedure through which we determine the dutiesor positions to be staffed in an organization while job descriptionis usually a written statement of what the worker does, how he or shedoes it and the composition of the working conditions. On the otherhand, performance appraisal is a means of evaluating an employee’spast or current performance about the person’s standards that getsbased on his or her performance(QIN &amp XU, 2013).

2.0 Explanation of methods of job analysis

The method of choice while conducting a job analysis is the use ofinterviews, this method is most suitable because it can provide anopportunity for the interviewer to extract some vital informationfrom the post holder concerning his or her job. It is usually averbal interaction that helps the applicant in making an intelligentdecision about a job just in case it gets offered.

3.0 Describe how the position that is being created ties backto the organization`s mission and goals.

As a supervisor, his or her major role would entail overseeingwhether the employees or all the dealings of the organization worktowards the achievement or the fulfillment of the organizationsmission and goals. The supervisor holds vital powers within anorganization to ensure that all activities work according to thestipulated rules and regulations, and he or she might lead as anexample so as to make sure that his or her juniors follow suite.

4.0 Creation of a job description

Claims Supervisor at Epic Health Solutions, the job got written bythe human resource manager on 12th February 2016, and got approved bymembers of the board of directors, the job gets located at the EpicHealth Solution central facility. The nature of the job entails themaintenance of standards of practice within the center health.

Responsibilities for the position include supervising other junior’semployees while carrying out their duties to ensure that they upholdthe mission and vision of the organization. Performance standardsthat get required involve diligence and exemplary performance theworking conditions require an employee who can work long hours andwho can withstand extreme conditions .the relationships within theorganization entails interaction with both the top management team,the juniors, and subordinates.

5.0 An explanation of how you will use the job description tocreate the performance appraisal

First of all, I will define the evaluation through establishing theperformance standards, objectives, expectations and communicatingthem to the employees, then allow the employees to achieve theirtargets for a period. After that, I will conduct the appraisal assessand measure the actual performance of work, compare the real and theexpected performance, then complete the appraisal basing my judgmenton the set standards and finally initiate the assessment and providefeedback to the employees( Zhou, 2014).

6.0 Conclusion

Job description, performance appraisal, and job analysis are usuallya vital component of any organization that wishes to uphold as wellas to fulfill their mission, vision, and goals. Observing all thesethrough the employment of a supervisory head might help in ensuringthat an organization achieves its overall objectives.


QIN,&nbspF., &amp XU,&nbspF. (2013). Machiavellians’ JobPerformance and Career Success in Workplaces: A Meta-Analysis.Advances in Psychological Science, 21(9),1542-1553. doi:10.3724/sp.j.1042.2013.01542

Zhou,&nbspF. (2014). Analysis on Job Pressure and Job Performanceand their Relationship. AMM, 687-691, 5112-5115.doi:10.4028/