Nursing practice entails all activities aimed at ensuring thatpatients get satisfied with the nature of services that they areoffered. The quality of service nurses provide significantlydetermines the outcome of patients. Quality measures provide anoverview on the ability of nurses to offer effective services to thepatients.
Quality measures are indicated by various factors. Notably, it can beassessed by the patient outcomes and their level of satisfaction(Rhodes, Bechtle, & McNett, 2015). Further, quality measurementcan be done through an assessment of participation in theprofessional organizations, publications and presentations.Measurement of the clinical performance can be done by the nationalMedical Group Management Association. The performance for NPproductivity is measured through the application of the satisfactionscores.
Motivation for employees is a crucial component in enhancing theirability to efficiently execute tasks assigned to them. Nursingpractice is defined by an environment that is hectic and demanding.Lack of motivation adversely affects nurses’ morale since most ofthem can be overwhelmed by constrains of the physical environment(Toode, Routasalo, Helminen,& Suominen, 2014). Introduction ofexternal motivators may serve a significant deal in encouragingnurses to execute their tasks in an efficient manner. Incidences ofhigh nursing turnover have been witnessed where nurses fail to copewith the pressures of the hospital environment.
An incentive payment care of serves to encourage the nurses to commitin ensuring that they deliver quality services. Identification of themost appropriate ways of motivating the nurses serves as a crucialaspect in ensuring that they deliver services to the best of theircapabilities (Donoso, Demerouti, Hernández, Moreno-Jiménez, &Cobo, 2015)
Business Model
High Satisfaction
Value Chain
Motivation of Nurses
Motivation for nurses has the benefit of an increase in quality ofservices to patients translating to an improved value chain (De Jong,& Den Hartog, 2007). Similarly, growth would be witnessed asattested by an increase in the overall patient outcome as they aresatisfied with services offered.
De Jong, J. P., & Den Hartog, D. N. (2007). How leaders influenceemployees` innovative behaviour. European Journal of innovationmanagement, 10(1), 41-64.
Toode, K., Routasalo, P., Helminen, M., & Suominen, T. (2014).Hospital nurses` individual priorities, internal psychological statesand work motivation. International nursing review, 61(3),361-370.
Rhodes, C. A., Bechtle, M., & McNett, M. (2015). An incentive payplan for advanced practice registered nurses: impact on provider andorganizational outcomes. Nursing Economics, 33(3), 125.
Donoso, L. M. B., Demerouti, E., Hernández, E. G., Moreno-Jiménez,B., & Cobo, I. C. (2015). Positive benefits of caring on nurses’motivation and well-being: A diary study about the role of emotionalregulation abilities at work. International journal of nursingstudies, 52(4), 804-816.