Personalexperience essay
Thesetting of goals is a very robust process that requires one to thinkin depth about their ideal future. Goal setting demands one to turnthe vision that they have of their future into a reality. The wholeprocess of goal setting puts people in a position of choosing wherethey want to go in life and the things that they desire to achieve infuture. When individuals get to realize what they wish to achieve,they are in a better position to rivet their energy and concentrationwhere it is needed most. A smart goal chart helps someone to come upwith goals that are specific, measurable, agreed upon, realistic andtime-based (Conzemius, Anne s and Terry 132).
Earlythis year I became a member of the school basketball team. I havealways wanted to be a professional basketball player since mychildhood. When my schoolmates introduced me to the coach, I was verydelighted. I started training and within no time I was among the keyplayers in the team my dream was coming to reality. I dedicated alot of time for training, and I considerably improved in the game. Itwas one of the major successes to me. My grades in schooldeteriorated a lot since I did not allocate much time to my studies,I never did my assignments promptly, and this created a lot offriction between the teachers and me. My scores in school became tooweak in most of the subjects. All this happened due to lack of propermanagement of my time and over emphasizing a lot in playingbasketball, therefore, a smart goal chart was the only best solutionfor me to balance the two. There was a great need for self-awareness.
Afterreviewing my DiSC profile, I came to realize that, a DiSC platformcan quickly take the Disc personality tool to a whole new level. Younot only get a personalized report that talks more of your DiSCstyle, but also get a deeper understanding of how your personalityaffects the way you sell, work, lead and manage others.
Self-disclosurehas been for an extended period the hallmarks of intimaterelationships. In my final assignment where we were working as agroup, I used that opportunity to reveal my motives, values,emotions, goals and intentions to the group. It worked well since itcreated a feeling of intimacy and liking. There has been someconsiderable evidence that leaders who choose to disclose theirauthentic selves to those who follow them build not only trust butalso great teamwork and cooperation (Derlaga, Valerian and John 59).
Theability of a person to recognize the emotions that he/she has isreferred to as emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence helpspeople to understand what their emotions tell them and realize howthose emotions can affect the people that are around them, thusallowing them to manage relationships effectively (Bar-On 233). Self–regulating greatly helped me when I was a leader of a discussiongroup in our class when the group members argued angrily. I had tocontrol my emotions and impulses to calm the group down, thusresponding in a more meaningful way.
Whenthe nonverbal signs match with the words of a person, they buildtrust. When they fail to match they will lead to mistrust, tensionand even confusion. Whenever I am talking or listening to someone Ichoose to maintain eye contact. The eye contact shows respect andconcern. Therefore, this is one of the types of nonverbalcommunication that I intend to keep.
Communicationdemands calls for one to understand the intentions and emotionsbehind the message or information apart from exchanging information(Jukkala 242). Negative body language can easily create a lot ofconfusion. As a result, I intend to improve on body language toconvey information in a better way in future.
Inconclusion, I learned that self-disclosure was an effectiveleadership style when incorporated with emotional intelligence. Irealized that self-disclosure and emotional intelligence couldgreatly help build a good rapport with the managers or leaders andtheir juniors thus, creating good teamwork.
Bar-On,Reuven, et al. "Emotionaland social intelligence."Social neuroscience: key readings
Conzemius,Anne E., and Terry Morganti-Fisher. Morethan a Smart Goal:Staying Focused onn
StudentLearning. Solution Tree Press, 2011.
Derlaga,Valerian J., and John H. Berg, eds. Self-disclosure:Theory, research, and therapy.
SpringerScience & Business Media, 2013.
Jukkala,Angela M., et al. "Developinga standardized tool to improve nurse communication
duringshift report."Journal of nursing care quality 27.3 (2012): 240-246.