Personal Reflection essay


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CustomerService Employees Training

Thetraining of front of house employees of RoosterHotels was initiated as a result of increased complaints onefficiency, professionalism and service delivery. Wechecked on the feedback of visitors to Rooster Hotels who had visitedthe hotel and realized that most of them were not satisfied with thelevel of service especially the treatment by the customer servicestaff. It was either the front desk staff did not provide sufficientexplanation to visitors or behaved inappropriately. As a result, ourgroup was consulted to offer customer service training to the frontdesk staff with a goal to impart knowledge and skills to improve thequality of service that customers received at the hotel.

Inthe first meeting with the group members, we established the goalsthat we wanted to achieve from the customer service training program.We also brainstormed on the various topics that would be appropriatefor the front desk staff based on an analysis of the feedback fromcustomers (Stewartand Rayner, 2015). We realized that in order to improve the skills of the front deskemployees, it was necessary to tackle 6 different topics on customercare. These were: service attitude, customer service ice breakers,how to handle telephone conversations, how to uphold professionalism,communication skills, customer treatment and dealing with toughcustomers. Each of the team members was then asked to research on oneof the topics for the purpose of presentation.


Thefirst step was to design the content of the customer service trainingprogram. We performed selected each student in the group to do ananalysis of the knowledge gaps that existed among customer careemployees and to present a report of what should be addressed duringthe training session. We then collaboratively designed the content oftraining in a manual for presentation during the 30 minutes refreshertraining of the RoosterHotel employees(Stewartand Rayner, 2015).

  1. Service attitude.

Thetopic on service attitude was to emphasize the fact that attitudepermeates everything that the customer service employees do. Inaddition, customer service employees should be made to understandthat they own their attitude and it reflects in everything they do.Customers, especially in the hospitality industry, have various waysto discern the service attitude of customer service employees, whichhas a great impact on the level of service and reputation of RoosterHotels.

  1. Customer service icebreakers

Thistopic was meant to focus on putting customers at ease when theyarrive at the RoosterHotels. The goal is to train customer service employees to be able tocreate an environment where customers are free to share theirthoughts and ask for any assistance. This is achieved will beachieved by training customer service employees on how to start aconversation with customers. However, the trainer should on thecommunication talents and wisdom that customer service employeesalready possess in order to accomplish this task.

  1. How to handle telephone conversations

Customerservice employees should know that when they are on the phone talkingto a customer, they are representing the RoosterHotels. The way a customer service representative treats the customeror says to the customer can either make or break the businessrelationship. As a result, customer service employees should usepolite language when talking to customers on the phone even incircumstances where customers are angry. Employees should focus onfulfilling the customer’s needs during a telephone conversation. Inaddition, it is important to take note of important things that thecustomer speaks during the conversation.

  1. Communication skills.

Itwas noted that customer service employees at RoosterHotels should listen to customers. Learning to listen attentively towhat customers want can reduce cases such as errors in bookings andorder details which have been noted to be common in Rooster Hotels.In addition, the communication topic was to include methods of howcustomer service employees can control their mood in order to reduceits effect on communication.

  1. Customer treatment

Thecustomer service employees will be trained on how to treat each otherwith dignity and respect. This is due to the fact that the way theytreat the customer depends on how they treat their colleagues.

  1. Dealing with tough customers

Customerservice employees will be trained on how to handle difficultcustomers by allowing customers to communicate how they feel. Inaddition, they will be trained on how to listen to customers andtheir viewpoint without making premature judgment.


Igathered my team for a briefing 15 minutes before the event andreminded each one of them about their responsibilities. Each one hadtheir role clearly stated. For instance, one person was in charge ofsolving technical issues that may arise during the presentation. Iwas in charge of delivering the content of the training whilemoderated on time, by ensuring that everything was taking placeduring the required time (Darcyand Harris, 2003).In addition, we allocated one of the members to conclude and give avote of thanks.

Thepresentations went on well. The main session took 25 minutes whilethe last 5 minutes were used for asking questions regarding thedifferent areas of customer service that had been presented. Thefirst day was interesting to almost all the attendees. I guess thatis why most of them arrived early during the second day of the event.In addition, the sessions on the second day started earlier than thefirst day. This was because there were no speeches as it was on thefirst day of the event. The presentations on the second day were evenbetter. Most of the presenters were entertaining and kept theaudience active. They also engaged the audience by asking questionsand giving gifts to those who answered correctly.

Afterthe event was over, I wrote letters to appreciate the manager ofRoosterHotelsfor allowing us to train their customer service staff and hoped thatthe skills and knowledge they had obtained would be beneficial to thecompany. We also appreciated the employees for the support they gaveus during the event since all of them were attentive and engage thepresenting team with questions that proved helpful in understandingthe subjects. We also appreciated each person who had volunteeredduring the presentation.

Inorder to improve the planning, organization and delivery of suchtraining in the future, we asked all the program attendees to providefeedback on the quality and relevance of the content presented aswell as the quality of presentation by the group members. Out of the35 members who provided feedback, 30 of them were satisfied with therelevance of content presented in the training. In addition, all 35members confirmed that the group members presented the training in aprofessional manner.

Peerlearning and how to accept and handle constructive feedback to shapeand improve individual and group future performances

Weorganized to meet as a team after the customer care employee trainingand look for ways to improve the event in the future. All the membersturned up. Some of them had written notes on areas where we needed toimprove. For instance, Amerson Bendera noted that while there weresome attendees who came to the venue with personal writing pads itwas important to consider providing trainees with writing pads andpens. In addition, while the training room was kept clean by the teamin charge of cleanliness of the venue, decorations were missing andit was agreed that in future events, it would be worthwhile to hire aperson to decorate the hall with a colorful theme representative ofthe subject being presented. We also reviewed the budget to evaluatehow much money we had spent during the event and how much money wasremaining (Goldblatt,2002).


Group Member

Topic to research on

Sam Nujoma

Service Attitude

Lyn Amani

Customer Service Ice Breakers

James Njuguna


Naomi Mutiso

Communication/ listening to customers

Barack Mwendwa

Customer treatment

Amerson Bendera

How to deal with uncomfortable situations

Sam Nujoma

Main presentation


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