Participation of Faculty in Governance essay


The governance of learning institutions is a system of complexmulti-tied facets, including, departments, committees, and councils.The institutions bring together administrators and members of thefaculty. According to Delbecq et al. (2013), the administrators areinstrumental in making policies adopted by the institutions. Theyalso ensure the schools’ compliance with the government policies.The administrators also have various departments. They liaise withmembers of the faculty to ensure that the curriculum and methods ofinstruction comply with the policies provided by the government.Cordes et al. (2013) also agree that some administrators have beenskeptical of the involvement of faculty members in administrativefunctions. Some feel that the faculty should focus on research andcurriculum development without being involved in administrativefunctions. The following paragraphs will refute this perception andargue that the faculty should also participate in the governance ofinstitutions.

First, the management of an institution is a shared responsibilitybetween the faculty and the administration. In view of the sharedgovernance, the faculty has to support the decisions made by theadministration. According to Bejou and Bejou (2016), the decisionsmade by the administration have to be implemented through teaching,research, and governance. None of the parties can work in isolationand achieve the objectives of the institution (Delbecq et al., 2013).

Secondly, the objectives of a learning institution cut across theboard. They demand the input of the administration and the faculty.According to Jones (2012), the administration is responsible forensuring the complete implementation of the supportive activities. Toprovide a smooth implementation procedure, both parties must own thegoals and objectives and accept the shared roles. The faculty mayfail to own the objectives and develop a feeling of inferiority(Schmidt, 2014). Since they are the people on the ground, and inclose contact with the learners, they may impart contradictory valuesand effect the idealization of the goals (Jones, 2012).

In addition, the administration develops conditions in the facultythrives. According to Bejou and Bejou (2016), the administrationprovides resources for education development, teaching, creativity,and research. However, it cannot arrive at such decisions effectivelywithout accommodating the views of the faculty (Schmidt, 2014). Thefaculty proposes the members who qualify for such programs. Inaddition, in teaching, the faculty identifies gaps and the need fortraining. The environment created by effective governance facilitatesthe achievement of the objectives of the faculty (Bejou &amp Bejou,2016). Without involving the faculty in this administrative function,its development can be ineffective.

In conclusion, the responsibility of the faculty should extend beyondteaching and research. The administration should liaise with thefaculty to have a holistic approach to the goals and objectives. Thefaculty imparts imperative values that support the objectives of aninstitution. According to Bejou and Bejou (2016), the administrationuses the faculty as a tool to achieve the shared values. In addition,the faculty advises the administration on the available gaps inteaching and research. The funding of such activities rests with theadministration. Without the advice of the faculty, the management maynot have the capacity to estimate the extent and frequency of fundingtowards such activities. The faculty, therefore, should extend itsmandate beyond teaching and research and take part in governance.


Bejou, D., &amp Bejou, A. (2016). Sharedgovernance: The key to higher education equilibrium. Journalof Relationship Marketing, 15(1-2),54-61.

Cordes, J. W., Dunbar, D., &amp Gingerich, J.(2013). How to evaluate a faculty governance structure. Academe,99(3), 35.

Delbecq, A. L., Bryson, J. M., &amp Van de Ven,A. H. (2013). University governance lessons from an innovative designfor collaboration. Journal of ManagementInquiry, 22(4),382-392.

Jones, W. A. (2012). Faculty involvement ininstitutional governance: A literature review. Journalof the Professoriate, 6(1).

Schmidt, B. C. (2014). Governance for a new era: Ablueprint for higher education trustees. AmericanCouncil of Trustees and Alumni.