EarlyModern Women
AemiliaLayer was raised in a family just in the outskirts of thearistocratic setting. During her period of existence, women werepowerless as they did not have the right of dictating who to love andwhere to get married. As a result of this, Layer opted for aforbidden affair with a man by the name Henry Carey, with whom shehad a son with. She was forced into marriage to cover this affairthat was regarded to be scandalous. In addition, Layer retreated towriting as it was the only way that she could voice out that whichshe felt. On the other hand Anne Vaughan Lock demonstrated herpowerlessness by translating and paraphrasing original work that wasdone by Jean Calvin. This was regarded as a “safe” form ofwriting that expanded the traditional roles of women at that period.
AemiliaLayer attempted to claim back her control through writing literallypoems that challenged the dominant roles of men. She createdliterally materials that demonstrated the power of women particularlyher famous piece titled “Hail God, King of Jews”, where sheguides and actually instructs the reader on the issue of feminism. Onthe other hand, Lock demonstrated her desire of taking back hercontrol by travelling to Geneva with the intention of translatingCalvin’s work. Through paraphrasing as well as translating, Lockwas able to make her voice felt through her work, which made thereader get to know her own perspective regarding matters of religion.
Thisdoubting of powerlessness affected early modern women who werereformists but did not have a platform of bringing change. Theexisting religious as well as land laws reduced them to mareindividuals with limited and insignificant roles. As a result, theyembraced writing as a means of gaining back control. The mainintention of doing so was to make available information to otherwomen, whether in their lifetime or thereafter. It was a hopeful wayof passing on their reformist ideas to other women with the aim ofbringing about change in the years to come.
Responseto Amanda Sawyer
Iconcur with your view about destiny and Calvin’s discouragingtheory that demonstrates hopelessness to humanity through religion.In addition, the article has demonstrated the effect that suchtheories had to women who were already hopeless under the culturaland land laws. This article has brought into light the works andpersonal lives of the two famous female writers effectively. However,I feel that this article misses out on the integral point ofdiscussion, which revolves around the lives and works of Anne VaughanLock and Aemilia Layer in regards to hopelessness. In my opinion, thearticle should have used their personal lives and works toeffectively demonstrate how they wanted to take back control or howthey lost control.
Responseto Emily Krieger
HiI agree with you that the article’s presentation of the works andlives of both Aemilia Layer and Anne Vaughan Lock is spot on. Inaddition, the article has effectively demonstrated how these twofamous female writer’s lives and works demonstrated hopelessness.The article has attempted to bring into light how they tried to takeback control that they lacked during their period. The articlementions that they immersed themselves in religious works from wherethey felt that they needed mercy and salvation. In addition, I feelthat the article has successfully explained how doubting of powersaffected early modern women. In addition, the article’sexplanations regarding how Lock and Layer tried to claim back controlthrough writing is spot on. I feel that this article has effectivelyanswered the discussion questions.