Part 1 Word Classes essay

013102 Replacement Ass 2 2016 /Autumn

Inthe space provided below, identify the class of the word underlinedin the following

Usethe following word class labels: noun, pronoun, determiner, numeral,adjective, auxiliary verb, lexical (main) verb,adverb, preposition, conjunction

A. Lookout for the bus

  1. look

Main verb

  1. out


  1. for


  1. the


  1. bus


B. Youwill be hearing from me

  1. you


  1. will

Auxiliary verb

  1. be

Auxiliary verb

  1. hearing

Main verb

  1. from


  1. me


C. Thatminister carefully answered her question but refused mine.

  1. That


  1. minister


  1. carefully


  1. answered

Main verb

  1. her


  1. question


  1. but


  1. refused

Main verb

  1. mine


Part 2. Groups and Phrases

Aclause is made up of groups and phrases. Break the following clausesup into groups and phrases and label each group or phrase.

Usethe following labels:

noun group

verb group

adverbial group

prepositional phrase

n g

v g

adv g

p p

Seeexample below.

TodayIdidn’tgetany callsfrommy wife.

adv g

n g

v g

n g

p p

  1. The couple

were rushed

to Brisbane’s Mater Hospital

n g

v g

p p

  1. A lack of




a challenge

Adv g

N g

V g

Adv g

N g

  1. So many good


have happened

to me today

Adv g

n g

v g

p p

  1. The concert

is being screened

by channel 9

on Tuesday night

N g

v g

n g

p p

  1. Unexpectedly

Princess Elizabeth



at the age of 25

adv g

n g

v g

n g

p p

  1. I

had already warned


about you

N g

V g

N g

P p

  1. Finally

the Wollongong school girl

has been found

safe and well

by the police officers

adv g

n g

v g

adv g

P p

Part 3. Identifying 5 forms ofthe verb.

Identify the form of the each verbbelow and label it in the space provided.

Use the following labels:

‘base’ form

‘3rd person singular present tense’ form

‘past tense’ form

‘present participle’ form

‘past participle’ form

  1. considering

Present participle form

  1. hastens

3rd person singular present tense

  1. miss

Base form

  1. enabled

Past tense form

  1. ridden

Past participle form

Part 4: Identifying the tense ofthe verb group.

Label the tense of each verbal groupusing the labels:

‘Simple Present’

‘Simple Past’

‘Simple Future’

‘Present Continuous’

‘Past Continuous’

‘Future Continuous’

‘Present Perfect’

‘Past Perfect’

‘Future Perfect’

‘Present Perfect Continuous

‘Past Perfect Continuous’

‘Future Perfect Continuous’

  1. will retain

Simple future tense

  1. are providing

Present continuous

  1. had been coming

Past perfect continuous

  1. has watched

Present perfect

  1. was overlooked

Simple past

Part 5. Passive and Activeverbs

1. Identify the following sentences asActive/Passive voice

2. Then, rewrite each one in the converseform (i.e. Active into Passive or vice versa).


The garbage has not been put out for weeks.


rewrite: No-one had put the garbage out for weeks

1. Police tracked White to a nearby hotel

Active voice

rewrite: White was tracked by police to a nearby hotel

2. A $12 million dollar renovation was to be completed by April next year.

Passive voice

Rewrite: By April next year, a 12 million dollar renovation will be completed.

3. The picture depicts ceilings with large brown water stains.

Active voice

rewrite: Ceilings with large brown water stains are depicted by the picture

4. The foundation has raised $20 millions dollars from the business community.

Active voice

Rewrite: 20 million dollars has been raised by the foundation from the business community

5. A firm product launch date hasn’t yet been decided on.

Passive voice

rewrite: They have not yet decided on the date to launch a firm’s product

Part 6. Identify the functionalelements of the clause — Subject, Verb, Object, Complement, andAdjunct.

Analyse each clause below intofunctional elements.

Use the labels:






If there is more than one Object,distinguish the direct Object and the indirect Object.

For example:

e.g. TodayI didn’tget any calls





Western Australia

had abolished

registration labels

by 2011




For the first time


won’t be sending

their commentary team





The lack of sleep



a challenge





The money

was committed

in the budget

last year





All eyes

are on


this week





The latex disguise

may have been worn

by the attacker

several times








his little brother

a push bike

from spare parts







Part 7. Mood types

Label the Mood type of each clause below.No punctuation is used in the following sentences. Assign labels byanalysing the structure of the clause. Use the following moodcategories:






For example

Little Jack Horner sat in the corner.


  1. The woman who married the Maasai warrior was a Swiss National.


  1. Why is Nicole Kidman so hot right now.


  1. Call Crimestoppers on 1800 333 000.

Imperative mood

  1. You should feel especially warm and loving today toward just about anyone you meet.

Declarative mood

  1. Does anything work in this place.

Polar- interrogative

  1. Have fun.


  1. So how should a player analyze the game.

Wh- interrogative

  1. You must always remember to shut every gate.

Imperative mood

  1. What kind of wood would they be made from.

Wh- interrogative mood

  1. Is having fun the only thing you think about.

Polar- interrogative

  1. When did you say that.

Wh- interrogative mood

  1. Talk to yourself in the language you are learning.

Imperative mood

  1. What is needed most is more cooperative work.

Declarative mood

  1. Don’t stress out over the little things.

Declarative mood

  1. Being a mommy is the hardest job in the world.

Exclamative mood

Part 8. Theme: Identify thetopical Theme of a clause.

To do this, firstly, break up thetext into clauses. Remember a sentence may be made up of more thanone clause.

For each clause identify the topicalTheme, which is mostly the first Participant OR Circumstance in theclause. (Each clause will have a topical Theme, except in the case ofellipsis, where something has intentionally been left out (as inellipsis), or in some non-finite clauses.)

For each clause, write down thetopical Themeon the dotted lines set out below.

Textdealing with the topic of feral cats

Of all of the wild animals I have dealtwith, trapped feral cats can be the most ferocious! They claw, bite,hiss, emit a nasty musk scent, and do anything to escape. I`ve seenferals scale a ten foot wall. They`re not to be trifled with. When Icapture cats I bring them to the humane society in the county.


Every now and then I get an angry emailfrom a cat lover for advocating the trapping and removal (andpossible future euthanasia at the animal shelter) of stray cats. Somepeople advocate spay-neuter-release plans. I`ve heard mixed argumentsregarding this method. Here is one of the angry letters that I`vereceived:

I was extremely disappointed when I readwhat you wrote about feral cats on your website. You are givingpeople inaccurate information about how to properly control theirpopulation. The WORST thing you can do is trap and remove them. Allthat does is remove their scent and allow new cats to come into theterritory. The BEST thing you can do is get them fixed and releasethem back where they were found.

If you need accurate information to puton your site that will actually educate people properly, I will beglad to give it to you.

If you don`t, but would like to educateyourself, please go to this site:

Also, I sincerely doubt you bring thesetrapped feral cats to any Humane Society. You bring them to AnimalControl (kill shelters).

Topical Theme (ie.the Participant or Circumstance acting as Theme or possibly the verbin imperative clauses.)

[Notelines are numbered for you convenience. It does not reflect thenumber of clauses in the text.]

  1. Of all of the wild animals I have dealt with

  1. trapped feral cats can be the most ferocious!

  1. They claw, bite, hiss, emit a nasty musk scent, and do anything to escape

  1. I`ve seen ferals scale a ten foot wall

  1. They`re not to be trifled with

  1. When I capture cats

I bring them to the humane society in the county.

  1. when I read what you wrote about feral cats

  1. I was extremely disappointed

  1. You are giving people inaccurate information

  1. about how to properly control their population.

  1. The WORST thing you can do is trap and remove them

  1. All that does is remove their scent

  1. and allow new cats to come into the territory

  1. The BEST thing you can do is get them fixed

release them back where they were found.

  1. If you need accurate information to put on your site

I will be glad to give it to you.

  1. that will actually educate people properly

  1. Also, I sincerely doubt you bring these trapped feral cats

  1. You bring them to Animal Control

Part 9. Relative clauses.

Identify the relative clauses. For non defining, use the symbol &lt&lt ……&gt&gt and for defining, use the symbol [….].

  1. Hong Kong which is located in the Northern Hemisphere has some very tall buildings. &lt&lt ……&gt&gt

  2. The penicil that’s on the table belongs to me. &lt&lt ……&gt&gt

  3. The man whose boss owns that company is my uncle. &lt&lt ……&gt&gt

  4. The flower I love best is the rose. &lt&lt ……&gt&gt

  5. Mangoes which are a tropical fruit that’s good for you are my favourite fruits. &lt&lt ……&gt&gt