Our town essay


Q.1Verse Analysis

The first verse, ‘blessed is the tie that binds.’ depicts a happywedding. A growing relationship is portrayed by the verse‘fellowship of the kindred is like to that above.’ From the songblessed is the tie that binds, the verse ‘we share each other’swoes.’ brings out the picture of sharing burdens of daily life.

Use of hymn is pretty and it suits a wedding as explained below.This attractive hymn portrays the theme that men like socializing andthey need human relationships to thrive. The three verses of the songexpress the phases of a man and woman relationship (Richards, 2015). The first verse explains about the daily life. The second versecultivates the idea of love and marriage. Lastly, the last verseexplains the death phase. The hymn starts by showing the body ofChrist is bound together by love. The second and third stanzasexpress the idea of suffering and rejoicing together (Richards,2015). The song is important in weddings as it expresses love andmarriage. ‘And often for each other flows the sympathizing tear.’In the first verse, the term kindred mean people with a commonbelief. The other phrase is Christian love. Though the song is aChristian hymn, it lays emphasis on the significance of love betweenhuman beings. In life, People are meant to care for each other. Thisverse shows love and marriage.


I agree that most people fail to appreciate the wonders that existin everyday life. I think people take life casually and do notremember to appreciate the basic features of life. Our minds arealert to appreciate the things that do not matter. Most individualsare too engaged in their life to take time to appreciate the littlethings.


Richards, D. (2015).Humanities beyond the Classroom: Blessed Be the Human Ties That Bind. Maine Policy Review, 24(1), 68-71.