Besides the involvement of the local communities in planing and general management of the industry, there are other ways of achieving sustainable tourism. One of the many ways is that the concerned tourist companies and individuals for that matter should co-operate with the tourist destination managers. If there is co-operation between these two players in the industry, various deals and agreements can be struck for the benefit of both of them.
Such deals will include companies agreeing to take necessary steps towards achieving sustainable tourism on condition that there is a demand for holidays that are friendly to the environment (MacTagart 2002). There is also the proposal that the local companies be integrated into one big company so that they take control of ‘holiday marketing’ and also transporting visitors whenever they visit. These integrations are for the purposes of enhancing efficiency and effectiveness in the tourism sectors in that the types of services offered are of quality in order to avoid disappointing the tourists.
Some tourists have been disappointed in the past as they have been taken to places that are not well looked after or places that do not befit humans. The introduction of this school of thought might lead to tough competition from the smaller companies because they might come up with cheaper packages for the tourists thus making the big integrated companies to run at losses. This type of competition has led to the development of various parks and resorts thus sustainable tourism in such areas (MacTagart 2002).
The other way of improving on the sustainable tourism is by involving the tourists and companies in thinking more about the impact of tourism on the livelihoods of people as well as where they live. If such impacts are thought about and sorted amicably, they will definitely give the real picture of the tourism industry and therefore prompt for solutions. Advantages of Sustainable Tourism to local communities. Sustainable tourism has led to employment to the people of the local communities.
The maintenance of the tourism camps and other tourism facilities need people (Roeh 2001). Human labour is then sourced in order to provide the required services. Resorts, beaches and parks have employed mostly the local populace. Such jobs do not need a lot of skill, experience and education for one to do them. The locals are employed and trained for specific purposes thus making them earn a living from such jobs. In many countries across the globe, tourism has taken a significant percentage in the employment sector.
Development of infrastructure is also a major advantage that sustainable tourism has brought about (Roeh 2001). Such infrastructure include water, electricity, roads, railways, telecommunication facilities and others. Many communities have benefited a lot from such developments. Most areas in the tourism industry are not accessible at all due to poor road and railway network. Sustainable tourism has therefore led to a lot of development in these communities and helped in so many ways. Revenue from the tourism sector is what has been used to improve the infrastructure in such places.
Some even go ahead to contribute directly to the development of such projects willingly without any coercion. Such amenities are very important in the day to day running of the tourism industry. It also has the benefit of preserving the culture of the destination community. Most of the foreigners learn the local languages of the host community, they learn their etiquette and use it effectively thus making the locals to ape the same and learn how to apply such in their day to day activities.
Cultures have to be preserved and taken seriously in any community. When the tourists tour such communities, they end up leaving a lot of learning to be done. Such learning is meant to enrich the cultures of the people and also add up on what they do not view and uphold as serious. Incentives are given to the people of the local communities in order to preserve food stuffs, their fashion not excluding the preservation of their histories. The environment is a major factor when it comes to the tourism industry.
It has to be protected by all means and ways in order to encourage the tourist to continue visiting the communities in future (Panne 2000). Sustainable tourism has led to the protection of the environment including the wildlife, the nature(water, plants e. t. c) and the cleanliness of the environment. Nature preservation is an important aspect as it is the main reason as to why tourists visit countries. The foreigners know that without wildlife and nature in general, then there would be no reason for visiting such communities or countries for that matter.
They therefore go ahead to contribute towards the preservation of such aspects of nature with the aim of helping the society at large. There is also the aspect of foreign exchange earning. The foreigners come with income and revenue that goes to the government of the various countries. These revenues generate resources for food importation, importation of pharmaceuticals and technology too. Goods and services are also imported using such foreign exchange.
The communities benefit greatly from such good will from the foreigners. The other way of how the local communities benefit from sustainable tourism is by the fact that their health care facilities and services are developed in the process. Medical facilities and health care services are as vital as any other services and cannot be ignored at all. Sustainable tourism has led the way in improving such services because it is obligated to do so in some situations (Panne 2000).