Online exam essay


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Q1.Those with a &quotgrowth mindset&quot havea much more malleable view of success. They do not see failure as areflection of their ability, but rather as a starting point forexperimentation and testing of ideas. Their main advantage is intreating unsuccessful attempts simply as another data point &quotThisdidn`t work out, but I eliminated one option and will now pursue thenext.&quot

When you believe strongly in innate ability, any initial frictioncreates a desire to give up before you embarrass yourself. Subjectswho get praised for &quoteffort&quot reactedthey solved, even more, problems on the next trials, improvingas time went on.

Q2.A model of original becoming that portrays learning as an ongoingcontinuous embodied as well as a relational process, and uses socialconstructionism assumptions and the Kolb`sexperiential learning model as its point of departure gets presented.

Based on a focus on the embodied, subjective, and relational natureof an organizational life, the assignment that gets tabled in thisarticle provides a structure to facilitate students becoming moreactive and authentic corporate members and self-authors.

Some Learning outcomes include the development of empathy,self-understanding, and the ability to indulge in practicalself-reflection and reflexivity. Students incorporate organizationalbehavior concepts and theories that are usually meaningful into theirlives. Additional learning and the improvement of the classroomlearning environment get facilitated through students verballysharing their assignments in class with one another.

Q3. I would explain point one to a friend by telling him how languagegets used in the dissemination of information in a community, andthat the choice of words is usually paramount to avoid crisscrossingothers lines and evoke some negative responses.Also, I would tell himabout the importance and the usage of language in everyday life aspeople cannot live without it since it actsas the fundamental means of communication in a community.

Q4.Intercultural communication is a form ofcommunication that aims at sharing information across differentsocial groups and cultures. It is usually an essential competencythat an individual can develop because, ithelps people understand how individuals from different cultures act,communicate and perceive the world around them.

It entails the understanding of different cultures, customsand languages and plays a role in some social sciences such asanthropology, linguistic, psychology among others. It acts as thebasis for international business as people from different languagesmight understand each other thus promoting the development ofintercultural communication skill.

Q5.Big assumption means the way an employee views his or her futureor the repercussions that might occur to him or her if he or sheindulges in various actions, these are usually limiting factors to anemployee`s potential.Also, the big assumption means that the employeethinks of some worst case scenarios that might occur to them if theyindulge in doing certain actions.

The role of the big assumption in this process is to guide people toknow their limits and avoid hurting others. It is quite imperative tounderstand if you are working with a change-resistant employee so asto get prepared in a psychological perspective when instituting somepolicies within an organization as it might help you get prepared todeal with the resistance.

Q6. An example of resistancegets based on the visualization of the inhabitants of a particulararea, for instance, “the local staff is too passive” onacceptance one might end up agreeing to the existing terms andconditions.While in adaptation, the involved parties tend toassimilate the current actions and practices providing the way to asuccessful intercultural sensitivity. At first, an individual comeswith a negative attitude towards inhabitants of a particular countrybut with time, they end up loving the country.

Q7.The language above the sentence means that in any givendiscussion, anything that might get termed as a language plays animperative role in ensuring that there is a maximum understandingbetween the involved parties. The language used must present afavorable aspect and should be simple for people to understand theintended messages.

Also, the participants must ensure that the involved dialect mustshow meaning that the planned audience can comprehend. On the otherhand, practices that systematically form the objects of which theyspeak means that examples are usually vital in ensuring that there isthe thorough understanding of the messages as well as the discussionsthat get carried out.

Giving practical meanings might help in the concrete understanding ofthe intended messages and the process this enhances thinking as wellas the generation of more information and alternatives especially ina discussion.

Q8. A leader without knowledge of a person’s culture or ethnicitymight fail to grasp why they are not responding to efforts to improvetheir resilience this is because these leaders fail to understandthe various ways of thinking of these individuals. For example, themanager might come from a community where efforts of resilience failto have deep meaning and so by him encountering persons from otherethnic groups who have different ambitions and motives might make himfail to comprehend their actions.

Also, a leader might embrace aspects of ignorance where he or shedisregards each and every situation that might exist in hisinteraction with his subjects, and this might make him lack thecapacity as well as the ability to understand these concepts.


Egbert, Joy &amp Sanden, Sherry (2014). Foundations of EducationResearch: Understanding Theoretical Components, Routledge. ISBN:978-0-415-71579-9