Nutritionand health
Nutritionand health
Asa result of changes in lifestyles, obesity has become a major problemin the modern society. It is estimated that one in five children inthe United States are obese while the prevalence is higher in adults.There are many health and social problems associated with obesitywhich includes increased risk of terminal diseases such as heartdiseases and diabetes as well as low self-esteem and rejection bypeers. Although there are other causes of obesity in children, baddiet and inadequate physical activity due to the modern sedentarylifestyle are the main causes. In the modern society, children areexposed to unhealthy foods at home or schools resulting into obesity. The indulgence in processed foods with artificial sweeteners, highfat, and calories contents has a major role in the prevalencechildhood obesity. Additionally, children are spending more timeindoors studying, watching TV or playing video games (Cassell &Gleaves, 2012). As a result of the social effects of obesity whereobese children are stigmatized or ridiculed by their peers, anorexianervosa is becoming more common, especially among adolescents. Anorexia nervosa has far reaching healthy impacts and is potentiallylife threatening. It is considered to be a mental disorder where theindividual restricts their diet or force themselves to vomit in orderto control their body weight. Questions have been raised on whom orwhat is responsible for bad eating habits among children. Parentshave a major influence on eating habits among children. Bad eatinghabits in parents are likely to result in bad eating habits amongchildren. The media has a huge influence on eating habits. Forexample, anorexia nervosa is mainly caused by the ideal body shapeand size as portrayed by the media. The environment has an influenceon eating habits. If unhealthy foods are more available andaffordable in the environment, young people are more likely toconsume them. Therefore, parents, media and the environment have aninfluence on children eating habits (Cassell & Gleaves, 2012).
Cassell,D. & Gleaves, D. (2012). Theencyclopedia of obesity and eating disorders.New York: Facts on File.