Nature versus Nurture essay

No, I do not believe that innate factors have more of an impact on motivation than learned factors. There are several reasons as to why I disagree. This paper intends to answer the questions: 1) Do you believe that innate factors have more of an impact on motivation than learned factors? ; and 2) Why or why not? Technically, the innate factors aforementioned are also known as the “hereditary influences” or “nature” as it is collectively known and categorized (Powell, 2006, n. p. ).

On the other hand, the learned factors aforementioned are also known as the “environmental influences” or “nurture” as it is collectively known and categorized (Powell, 2006, n. p. ). I do not believe that innate factors have more of an impact on motivation than learned factors because first of all, according to studies, both hereditary and environmental influences contribute greatly to the physical and behavioral, characteristics or traits of an individual (Powell, 2006, n. p. ).

Not one or the other is on top (Powell, 2006, n. p. ). The second reason why I do not believe that innate factors have more of an impact on motivation than learned factors is because of the fact that “hereditary influences” actually cover traits including: “eye color, skin, and hair,” which are said to be present in the human cells or DNA of humans (Powell, 2006, n. p. ). To date, no studies suggest that “eye color, skin characteristics, and hair” contribute to the motivation of a person (Powell, 2006, n.p. ).

Finally, although it is said that “intelligence, personality, and even sexual orientation” are part of the “hereditary influences”, I still do not believe that innate factors have more of an impact on motivation that learned factors (Powell, 2006, n. p. ). This is because even if one is extremely intelligent, he or she may still be motivated on “anger, aggression, and violence” especially if these are what he or she sees/experiences (Powell, 2006, n. p.

). If he or she is surrounded with a violent family or a culture as such, then he or she may be motivated more by learned factors than hereditary influences (Powell, 2006, n. p. ). Again, I disagree that innate factors have more of an impact on motivation than learned factors because of the aforementioned reasons.

Reference Powell, K. (2006). Nature vs. Nurture. Retrieved April 5, 2007 from http://genealogy. about. com/cs/geneticgenealogy/a/nature_nurture. htm