Motivational interviewing essay


Question one

There are various aspects of motivational interviewing that havebeen highlighted in the video between Miller and Carlson/Lewis.However, one of the most significant aspect that is clear is thenature of the motivational interviewing where the change is expectedto come from the client rather than coming from the counselor’spersuasion (Miller, 2001). In other words, the counselor does notconfront the client or persuade the client to change his behaviorsuch as the behavior of addiction to alcohol or drugs. According tothe video, the counselor is expected to raise the awareness to theclient regarding the effects of his or her addiction and the risksinvolved. This aspect is aimed at enhancing or motivating the clientto change his behavior. It is essential to note that the counselorswho use this approach believe that the clients have thoughtsregarding their ambivalence, but they lack sufficient information tomake decisions.

The understanding of this aspect of motivational interviewing isextremely vital for me while working with clients suffering fromaddiction. The understanding will help me know that clients alreadyhave some thoughts regarding how they can change their behavior. Itis also evident that addiction patients do not require to beconfronted and change is effective when it comes from the intrinsicconvictions of the clients. It is essential to state that the abovedescribed aspect is extremely vital for me while working with clientswho are suffering from addiction. The approach I would use toinfluence change in my clients has been changed by the insightsprovided in the video. It is critical for every counselor to approacha client suffering from addiction from the perspective of a friendwho seeks to provide information regarding the addiction. Theunderstanding will definitely make me handle my clients in a way thatwill see change coming from them and not through my persuasion.

Question two

The most significant aspect I learnt from the interview of Williamand the client is the aspect of showing sympathy and concern for theclient’s problem. In other words, the relationship between Williamand the client seemed more of a companionship, rather than theconventional expert versus client relationship. This aspect wasclearly brought out through William’s character of listening to theclient and respecting the client’s views and opinions (Miller,2001). It was abundantly clear that William hardly influenced whatthe client wanted to say. The body movement and the facial expressionindicated that William was sympathetic with the client’s situationand was willing to help drive the change.

This aspect will inform my perspective regarding addictions. It isnow clear that there is need to listen and not interrupt an addictionpatient as he or she narrates his or her story. Addiction patientsalso need empathy and the relationship between the counselor and theclient must be friendly. There is need to show an understanding ofwhat the client is going though in order drive the change process.This aspect will definitely affect the way I work with addictionpatients. It will now be prudent to offer my client suffient time toexpress themselves. Additionally, I will work with the addictionclients as if they were my friends. This will show empathy which isan essential element of motivational interviewing. Lastly, I willdevelop the character of listening to the clients and allowing themto express their feelings freely without limiting them.


Miller, W. R. (2001). Motivational Interviewing. Retrievedfrom: