Motivation Motivation essay




Atany instance, the performance of an employee is based on three keypillars, namely the motivation, working environment and the abilityto perform assigned tasks. In the absence of motivation, then, theoptimum performance cannot be realized, thus the dire need to hugelyinvest in motivation of employees. Adequate motivation isinstrumental in ensuring that an organization leaps the maximumperformance possible. This is due to the willingness of the staff tokeenly undertake the laid down tasks and assignments. The factorsleading to the motivation maybe intentional or unintentional and assuch, the employees may perform it either knowingly or unknowingly.Therefore, motivation is considered to come out as a result of aninteraction of both the unconscious and conscious factors relating tothe work(Ganta, 2014).However, motivation does not come out of the blues and requires thatthe organization takes a leading role in inducing and stimulatingmotivation amongst the staff to ensure that the company achieves itsset objectives and vision.

Motivationcarries with it multiple definitions. However, the bottom line aboutmotivation is that it is the predisposition to act in a certaindesired way with the intention of achieving set out targets. Thetargets more often refer to the needs within the organization or theindividual employee that are not yet met. When motivation is inexistence, the urge to give the maximum in the place of work comesout unforced, with a will to achieve the un-met needs. Normally,motivation is an inner force and that comes along with dedication andthe will to accomplish various goals and objectives that areadvantageous to both the individual and the respective organization.First of all, the individual employee must feel motivated, have afeeling of achievement and consequently, able to effectively andefficiently impact the organization positively.

Asan employer, I would first motivate the employees by assisting themto meet their own needs. In a normal situation, a person feelsmotivated when their personal needs are first met. It would beironical to expect a desperate person to offer good services to anorganization. Once the personal needs are fulfilled, then it becomeseasier for the employees to be more productive in the workplace. Inthis regard, I would highly embrace Maslow’s hierarchy of needs tosee that most of the employees are uplifted from one level of needsto another, and if possible, to the highest level possible. Accordingto the theory, there are five main levels of needs. The first levelis the physiological level which involves the basic needs such asfood, shelter, clothing, and medical care. The second level securityclosely followed by affiliation which involves the feeling ofbelonging while the fourth level is self-esteem. The last level ofneeds is self-actualization, which includes the achievement of whatone has always wanted to do. In regards to this theory, I wouldensure that I help the employees meet their needs, first by givingthem adequate salaries and secondly, having policies that make feelthe employees acceptable and allowed to do what pleases them in life.

Again,I would ensure job enrichment within the organization. This can beachieved through making the workers more responsible and giving themroom to undertake their work under the minimum possible supervision.Through this measure, I would give the employees more control overtheir specific tasks. Both extrinsic and intrinsic motivation wouldbe vital in this case. Extrinsic motivation involves motivatingemployees in a way that the dedication and willingness to offer thebest to the organization comes from outside sources. The motivationcan be achieved through material achievements, including salaries.Recognition measures would also be undertaken where awards are madefor the various categories of performance. The social recognition isinstrumental in motivating the employees to yield even higher. Forintrinsic motivation, I would ensure that the job environment,policies and working conditions are favourable to the extent that themotivation is internal and self-induced. This kind of motivation willbe achieved by making sure that personal enjoyment exists in thecourse of work.

Finally,I would motivate my employees by making sure that the work theyundertake is meaningful. The work itself can either motivate ordemotivate the employees. I would let the employees choose what theywish to do and state what they would wish not to do. When an employeedoes what they desire to do, they are likely to do it in a betterway. Here, the employees will do the work that is in line with theirdesires and passion as compared to compelling. One is likely toperform better if they are passionate about what they do. Apart fromthe job being passionate, it should also be meaningful.

Iwould utilize Herzberg’s two-factor theory. He identified two mainfactors that lead to motivation motivator factors and hygienefactors(Ramlall, 2004).The motivating factors include factors leading to contentment in thejob. These factors include career growth, being responsible under theleast supervision, being recognized in the workplace and also variousachievements. The hygiene factors includes the various factors whichare in the job context. The context include the working conditions,salary given, job security and the existing policies among others.The combination of the two factors will ensure that employees arefully motivated both in the short and long-run.


Ganta,V. C. (2014). Motivation in the Workplace to Improve EmployeePerformance. InternationalJournal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences,2(6),221-237.

Ramlall,S. (2004). A Review of Employee Motivation Theories and TheirImplications for Employee Retention Within Organizations. Journalof American Academy of Business,52-63.