Mentorship Programs for New Nurses Description essay

MentorshipPrograms for New Nurses: Description

MentorshipPrograms for New Nurses: Description

1.Proposed Solution

Thementorship program is the proposed solution designed to control thechallenges that are faced by newly graduated nurses (NGNs). Throughmentorship programs, a balance is created to enhance careerdevelopment and to boost retention rates for nurses. As a result,nurses can enjoy the benefits of job satisfaction and extend theirprofessionalism experience to more advanced levels. This, in turn, isaccompanied by high level of confidence. Schultz &amp Schultz (2016)confirmed this statement by indicating that mentorship programs wereimperative in increasing self-confidence.

Mentorshipprograms also enhance the quality and efficiency of healthcareprovision. For instance, mentorship enables employees to feel moreenergized, empowered and ready to tackle any duty with a lot ofprofessionalism, thus, leading to achievement of positive results.

Inmy opinion, this intervention is realistic because the procedure isless expensive to integrate compared to the cost incurred and timewasted by loss of a nurse. According to (Henderson &amp Eaton, 2013)the cost of replacing a health worker may vary from $ 42,000 to$64,000, which is more expensive compared to the fee charged formentorship programs. Furthermore, this intervention is highlyeffective due to the presence of mentors with a competing range ofcommunication skills and technical experience which is exactlyopposite when it comes to hiring health workers

2.Organization Culture

Organizationculture explains how employees conduct their duties and relate witheach other. The cultural paradigm entails various values, beliefs,symbols and rituals that control the functioning system of employeeswithin a company (Needle, 2004). Mentorship is very consistent withorganization culture in terms of offering satisfaction to bothpatient and health workers by enabling patients to get excellenttreatment from nurses with vast experience.

Furthermore,it ensures that best results are achieved through the delivery ofquality services like offering better diagnostic tests andprescriptions to patient thus spending less time with the patients.In return, the health workers will enjoy more time to learn newprocedures utilized in their career.

Concerningresources, the intervention is very crucial due to the less cost oftaking nurses through mentorship programs, and workshops. It is alsovery efficient and reliable due to enough number of mentors who canshow a high degree of trust, eloquence, humility, dedication, andthinking skills.

3.Expected Outcomes

Theexpected result is to create a healthy working environment where NGNscan find it friendly to orient themselves to their new engagements bycreating a friendly co-relation between actual therapeutic situationsand nursing training environments. This will see a real interactionwhere registered nurses (RNs) and nurse practitioners (NPs), as wellas physicians, can relate well to each other. Therefore, to balancelearned skill with teamwork obligations, career expectations, andprofessional ethical standard

Theintervention will also strive to ensure that NGNs, who are set toundertake new challenges, are supported to gain quickly thecompetence and the support they require to achieve their expectedgoals as well as the organization’s objectives. Incorporating suchinitiative will also result in quality retention rates for nursesthus preventing new nurses from being overwhelmed by stressfulworkloads. Additionally, the program expects to influence the newnurses to seek proper guidance to encourage them to be morepassionate about their career (Arnold &amp Boggs, 2015).

4.Method to Achieve Outcomes

Therealization of a transparent mentorship program will require thecooperation of several parties, more so those whose duties areconnected to healthcare. The following are the methods to achieve theoutcomes:

  1. Teamwork

Workingas a team will assist new nurses to acquire the work norms, interactinto their new duty and build confidence leading to the realizationof the targeted goals. It will also result in a healthy workingenvironment.

  1. Accommodating the Nurse into the Work Environment

Agood working environment assists in enhancing job satisfaction.Therefore, the NGNs are able to feel sense of belonging, secure andcounter challenges professionally.

  1. Providing Support

Theintervention will play a crucial duty in embracing a comfortablerelationship between the leaders and the new nurses. Leaders can showsupport by offering necessary resources required for the successfulmentorship program.


Lackof enough resources is the major obstacle that is hindering mostorganization to hire mentors to inspire and encourage NGNs how tohandle their new responsibilities and the challenges that accompanythe job. Therefore, the earlier it is addressed, the better for thegrowth of the organization.

Assumptionsand Limitations

Theprincipal contradiction is that most people assume that this programwill lead to significant increase in nurse retention (Ribelin, 2003).Apart from positive its impacts, the program results are only limitedto the outcomes indicated above. The background of the study is alsoa correctional facility making it unsuitable to generalize the entirenursing population.

5.Outcome Impact

Theoutcome will result in a lot of positive effects ranging in thefollowing manner: Improved quality of health care due to theavailability of adequate resources to handle any nature of treatmentor health care. The improvement will also boost the number ofpatients visiting the organization and furthermore, develop healthyrelationship due to the competitive services that are offered.

Professionalexpertise will also be advanced since NGNs will be more empowered totackle new responsibilities they are assigned to expandprofessionalism. At the same time they will become open-minded toembrace a new challenge and in turn become more confident, autonomousand highly competent in the course of their practice.

Inconclusion, it is evident that this project can easily be achieved ifthe involved parties are willing to cooperate and show a high levelof commitment and determination. As a matter of facts, there is nodoubt that if the above outcomes are achieved it will bringrevolution in both healthcare and society in general.


Arnold,E. C., &amp Boggs, K. U. (2015).&nbspInterpersonalrelationships: Professional communication skills for nurses.Elsevier Health Sciences.

Henderson,A., &amp Eaton, E. (2013). Assisting nurses to facilitate studentand new graduate learning in practice settings: What ‘support’donurses at the bedside need?. Nurseeducation in practice,13(3),197-201.

Needle,David (2004). Businessin Context: An Introduction to Business and Its Environment.ISBN978-1861529923.

Ribelin,P. J. (2003). Retention reflects leadership style.&nbspNursingManagement,&nbsp34(8),18-19.

Schultz,D., &amp Schultz, S. (2016). Theoriesof personality.Cengage Learning.

Twibell,R., St Pierre, J., Johnson, D., Barton, D., Davis, C., Kidd, M., &ampRook, G. (2012).Tripping over the welcome mat: Why new nurses do notstay and what the evidence says we can do about it.&nbspAmericanNurse Today,&nbsp7(6),357-365.Bottomof Form