Mentorship Programs for New Nurses essay

Q.1 Proposed Solution

The mentorship program is a proposed solution developed to controlthe turnover rates. Typically, new health workers experiencedchallenges during the transition from a student nurse to a competenthospital staff. Through mentorship, a balance will be developedbetween the learned skills and the career expectation. This will, inturn, build up confidence among the hospital employees. Nevertheless,to ascertain this, results from Bandura’s social learning theoryshowed that mentorship programs were effective in improvingself-confidence (Schultz &amp Schultz, 2016).

A healthy environment will be established through this program.Besides, developing a healthy environment, mentors also play animportant role in building the confidence among new nurses (Frankel,2015). Implementation of a mentorship program has shown a positiveimpact in other studies. This has helped a great deal in improvingjob satisfaction and retaining employees.

Furthermore, this intervention is realistic because the project isnot expensive to implement compared to the cost incurred by loss of anurse. The cost of replacing a health worker ranges from $42,000 to$64,000 (Henderson &amp Eaton, 2013). This cash lost will berecovered through this program. In conclusion, the program will be asuccess due to the availability of mentors with a vast range ofcommunication skills and technical experience

Q.2 Organizational Culture

Mentoring will add value to the organizational culture. Theworking environment in the organization will be improved. Also, therewill be a good corrective mechanism which will build confidence. Thiswill consequently result to job satisfaction in the organization(Twibell, 2012). In general,a positive effect on the organizational culture will be realized anda good relationship bond will be formed among the juniors and seniorsof the organization.

Q.3Expected Outcome

The expected results include firstly new graduates will accept andadapt to their new roles easily. Secondly, nurses will nurtureleadership skills. The program will positively impact on the turnoverrate. Finally dedicated and passionate nurses will be cultured, andthe patient will receive good prescriptions (Rush et al.,2013).

Q.4Methods to Achieve Outcome

Workingas a Team

The Preceptors, play an important role in nurturing the healthemployees. The preceptors and the mentee work as a team. Working as ateam will help new medical practitioners learn the work norms andbuild confidence, leading to the realization of the expected outcome(Rushet al., 2013). In addition, the preceptors will have agood mastery of communication skills, and a positive affection tonursing. This will, in turn, translate to a healthy workingenvironment.

Welcoming the nurse into the work environment

A healthy environment helps in creating job satisfaction. In relationto this, the American Association of Critical-Care argues that ahealthy environment is created through meaningful recognition. In ahealthy environment, where trust prevails, a sense of belongingdevelops in the nurse. Also, good collegial relationship helps thenewly graduated nurse feel safe and counter problems (Frankel, 2015).This has been achieved through mitigation measures such asteam-building, debriefing after complex shifts, and parties ofmeaningful work.


Mentors will play a critical role in establishing a warm relationshipbetween the authorities and the new nurse. The authorities willsupport the mentors by providing necessary tools required for theprogram. The managers will also carry out a research on the mostinfluential mentor. He will, in turn, reward the best mentor toencourage other mentors to perform better (Henderson &amp Eaton,2013). This support groups will reduce isolation and build a senseof belonging among the NGNs

Assumptions and Limitations

This program assumes that it will result in a significant rise in therate of nurse retention (Frankel, 2015). Despite the wide range ofeffects the program will have, it will only focus on the outcomesstated above. In addition, the background of the research is acorrectional facility, which may fail to be generalized to the wholenursing population.

Q.5Outcome Impact

A positive impact will be realized in the quality of care. Efficiencyprocesses will also be established, due to the positive impact on theturnover rates (Auerbach et al, 2013). In addition, a healthyenvironment will be established. Besides, patient services will beimproved by a great deal because the nurses will be passionate abouttheir jobs and will deliver to their level best. Patients will alsoreceive quality diagnostic test resulting to better health of thepatients. Finally, a strong team of expertise will be formed due togood working relations and a healthy environment. This will also bepropelled forward due to job satisfaction.

In conclusion, from the above discussion, we can all join hands andimplement this project to the later. This project will bringrevolution in health care and also impact positively on the societyin general if implemented.


Auerbach,D. I., Staiger, D. O., Muench, U., &amp Buerhaus, P. I. (2013). Thenursing workforce in an era of health care reform. New EnglandJournal of Medicine, 368(16), 1470-1472.

Frankel, A. (2015). What leadership styles should seniornurses develop?. Nursing, 10, 30.

Henderson, A., &amp Eaton, E. (2013). Assisting nurses tofacilitate student and new graduate learning in practice settings:What ‘support’do nurses at the bedside need?. Nurse educationin practice, 13(3), 197-201.

Rush, K. L., Adamack, M., Gordon, J., Lilly, M., &ampJanke, R. (2013). Best practices of formal new graduate nursetransition programs: An integrative review. International Journalof Nursing Studies, 50(3), 345-356.

Schultz, D., &amp Schultz, S. (2016). Theories ofpersonality. Cengage Learning.

Twibell, R., St Pierre, J.,Johnson, D., Barton, D., Davis, C., Kidd, M., &amp Rook, G.(2012).Tripping over the welcome mat: Why new nurses do not stay andwhat the evidence says we can do about it.&nbspAmericanNurse Today,&nbsp7(6),357-365.Bottom of Form