Medication and Suctioning essay

Medicationand Suctioning



1.Whyis the client placed in a high-Fowler’s position when inserting anNG tube (unless contraindicated)?

Themethod improves on the ventilation of the patient during theinsertion of the NG tubes. In the insertion, the patient breathesthrough the mouth since one nasal opening is blocked, hence providingwith the relaxation of the respiratory and the neurological problems(Jonsson, 2010).

2.Whydo we never force the small-bore tube during insertion?

Anysign of forcing the small-bore tube means that the insertion gets tothe wrong place. Insertion to the esophagus does not need anyresistance, and any form of the insertion means the pushing is to thewrong location (Criner, 2010).

3.Whydo we encourage clients to swallow by giving small sips of water orice chips when possible?

Itprevents the clients from vomiting or swallowing air that can lead toabdominal distention and gastric discomfort. The method also helps insuccess with patients with dry mouth (In Jeske, 2014).

4.Why does the nurse measure gastric pH after insertion?

Measuringthe pH helps the nurse determine the position of the feeding tubesplaced in the stomach. A pH value of less than 5.5 indicates agastric placement, and a pH of five and above may indicate bronchialsecretions. The confirmation of the tube positions using the pHindicator sticks helps prevent occasional radiological findings(Lippincott Williams &amp Wilkins, 2011).

5.Why do we use the sterile technique with trach suctioning?

Thesterile technique reduces any risks of new infections (Brunner,2010).

6.Why does the nurse immediately withdraw the suction catheter ifthe client develops respiratory distress?

Thewithdrawal aids to aspirate secretions limit the occurrence of arespiratory trauma and prevents possible cardiac arrests (Myers,2012).

7.Whydo we give the client oxygen between suction?

Theoxygen administration helps keep the patient well aerated since therespiratory secretions removed by suctioning prevent proper breathingby the patient. It prevents hypoxia (Bassett, 2013).


Whydoes the nurse implement the six medication rights?

Followingthe six rights of medication administration is essential for thesafety and accuracy of drug administration. The six rights giveguidance to nurses to administer the right drug. The right drug meansthat the drug is the prescribed drug the label of the drug matchesthe MAR, verifies the expiry date, and allows the nurse to consultabout the drug to a pharmacist (Pickar, 2010). The second rightallows the nurse to check if the nurse administers the right dose.The right dose means as prescribes by the physician, lets the nurseperform the necessary computations, and educates the nurse on theprocedure to follow if they need to cut or crush a drug. The rightroute, the right time, the right patient and the right documentationmake up the rest of the six rights of medical administration (Pickar,2010).

Whydoes the nurse do three checks before giving medications to theclient?

Theprocess of checking allows the nurse to ensure the offer the rightdrug to the patients, to reduce any risk of improper drugadministration (Lilley, 2014).

Whydoes the nurse not use half a pill when it is not scored?

Theprecaution prevents the nurses from administering an inaccuratedosage and uncontrolled administration of the pills (Brown, 2015).The manufacture of the non-scored pill does not provide equal amountsof medication on either side of the pill (Brown, 2015).

Whydo we need to calculate accurately the amount of medication given tothe client?

Thesafety of the patient depends on the correct calculation of the drugsadministered. The correct computations will also reduce the risks ofoccurrence of a medical error from an overdose or an under dose(Yarbro, 2010).

Whydo we measure liquids on an even surface?

Flatsurfaces help the nurses read the lower meniscus of the measuring capof the liquid medicine. The lower meniscus is the recommendedreading. Hence, it helps prevent an overdose or an under dose(Workman, 2015).


Bassett,F., Hart, J., Hawks, M., Poletti, E. J., Ryan, M., Saar, A., … &ampSteelman, S. (2013). Spring is in the Air!.

Brown,M., &amp Mulholland, J. L. (2015). Drug Calculations: Ratio andProportion Problems for Clinical Practice. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Brunner,L. S., &amp Smeltzer, S. C. O. C. (2010). Brunner &amp Suddarth`stextbook of medical-surgical nursing. Philadelphia: Wolters KluwerHealth/Lippincott Williams &amp Wilkins.

Criner,G. J., Barnette, R. E., &amp D`Alonzo, G. E. (Eds.). (2010).Critical care study guide: text and review. Springer Science &ampBusiness Media.

InJeske, A. H. (2014). Mosby`s dental drug reference. St. Louis,Missouri: Elsevier Mosby.

Jonsson,E., Friberg, L. E., Karlsson, M. O., Hassan, S. B., Freijs, A.,Hansen, K., &amp Larsson, R. (2010). Determination of drug effect ontumour cells, host animal toxicity and drug pharmacokinetics in ahollow-fibre model in rats. Cancer chemotherapy and pharmacology,46(6), 493-500.

Lilley,L. L., Collins, S. R., &amp Snyder, J. S. (2014). Pharmacology andthe nursing process. Elsevier Health Sciences.

LippincottWilliams &amp Wilkins. (2011). Nurse`s 3-minute clinical reference.Philadelphia, Pa: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams &ampWilkins.

Myers,E. (2012). LPN Notes: Nurse`s Clinical Pocket Guide. Philadelphia:F.A. Davis Company.

Pickar,G., &amp Pickar-Abernethy, A. (2012). Dosage calculations. NelsonEducation.

Workman,M. L., &amp LaCharity, L. A. (2015). Understanding pharmacology:essentials for medication safety. Elsevier Health Sciences.

Yarbro,C. H., Wujcik, D., &amp Gobel, B. H. (2010). Cancer nursing:Principles and practice. Jones &amp Bartlett Publishers.