Marginal Utility essay

Marginal Utility is an increase of the possible use of a certain good or services simply through the consumption of such good or service. An increase in the possible uses of a product is considered as an increase in the Marginal Utility. Now, a certain good or service may have different kinds of marginal utility, each depending on the context in which it is being use which is also relative to the individual preference and the circumstances which are present (Sommers). A certain good or service may be use for different reasons, for instance food.

It can be use for the person, for his pet and to give to other people. The person would of course want the food for him self, it is only if there would be something left that he would consider to share the food to his pet and finally to other person. In this case the utility of the food is diminishing (Sommers). With respect to the idea of giving or sharing what you have to other people, Singer claim that it is a case of injustice if a person would be living with more than what he or she could consume.

It would also be an injustice, the mere fact that the person is living prosperously and hoarding his resources only for his own benefit (Sommers). Most especially if it is in the knowledge of the person that there are many others who do not posses enough to feed themselves even once a day. It is an injustice; if one would be keeping everything just for himself while letting other people die of hunger. It is an injustice according to him, when a person spends so much for unimportant matters without minding the lesser fortunate (Anti-Essays).

John Arthur on the other hand believes that a person must not give when his family has finally reached, what was discussed above as the marginal utility. According to Arthur, if one would give more and sacrificing the marginal utility of his family, then he would cause his family to suffer. This may result to more suffering than resolving the problem on poverty (Anti-Essays). Personally, I believe that giving would somehow make you equal to the person that you are giving to unless it would be a sacrifice on your part.

What I mean by this is hat, unless the action that was done, would not hurt the person himself, it is ok. Nevertheless, it would be very ideal to think that a person would really help with everything he got sacrificing his own benefit.

Works Cited

Sommers, C. & Sommers, (2006). F. Vice & Virtue In Everyday Life: Introductory Readings. Wadsworth Publishing. World Hunger and Our Responsibilities. Anti Essays. 18 Nov. 2007 <http://www. antiessays. com/free-essays/2150. html>