ManagingHealth Services Organization and System
ManagingHealth Services Organization and System
Thepilot Recovery Act award meant to be introduced to certaincommunities across the United States is expected to have a myriad ofbenefits. Besides helping attain significant and measurabledevelopments in the quality of health care, safety and efficiency inthe chosen communities, it will help in the founding of themushrooming health IT industry projected to create several jobs.Basically the project seeks to bring better lower cost healthservices to the population through application of Electronic HealthRecords (EHR). EHR will allow doctors throughout the country to beable to access information regarding a patient and enhance servicesespecially in health emergency issues (The White House, 2010).
Oneof the most outstanding benefits that the project has is that, itwill be designed and tried by providers and community leaderscountrywide. The communities are going to enjoy health IT resourcesby bringing doctors, health facilities, community health programs andnational government services as well as patients aboard to developfresh ways of improving quality and efficiency to benefit tax payersand patients alike.
Theprojects are also designed in manner that they address specific needsof the communities involved. For instance, Tusla’s Beacon Communityaward will be used to address obesity and type-2 diabetes. The awardis meant to help 1600 physicians and other care givers engage in newcommunity wide health information system that will improve servicedelivery and save over $11 million in health care costs (The WhiteHouse, 2010). Other communities focus on diabetic hypertensivepatients, immunization programs, and reduction of hospital visits,health disparities as well cancer screening.
BeaconCommunities are also expected to access offered federal programsworking towards promoting health information exchange at the baselevel. The program is part of the central government’s $100 billioninvestment in science, innovation and technology the authority ismaking to instigate domestic job creation in rising industries andencourage sustainable development.
Theuse of electronic health record has indeed changed the health caresector. Physicians and hospitals have become efficient in ensuringthe wellbeing of patients. Besides, the costs that were previouslyassociated with lack of access of patient information or longprocedures have been cut down significantly. Ultimately, this has ledto creation of a new industry that offers several job opportunities.The current Beacon community award should be embraced across thecountry for greater benefits to be accrued.
Usually,little attention is paid to nonclinical technology such as financialor management data systems however such technology can dramaticallyaffect HSO/HS costs and effectiveness. Identify the types ofnonclinical equipment and their effects on managing HSOs/HSs. Whatlinks are there between clinical and nonclinical technologies?
Thereare different types of nonclinical equipment in including electronichealth record, mHealth, telehealth/telemedicine, self service kiosks,portal technology, sensor and wearable technology, remote monitoringtools among others. Whereas these technologies are designed toexecute certain functionalities related to health care, they are moreof IT related than clinical. They have enabled access of informationregarding a patient as in the case of EHR while others like mHealthhave enabled access of doctors or medical help through mobiledevices. The use of these technologies has not only improved healthcare access and efficiency, but has also reduce the cost of medicalcare in the United States.
TheWhite House. (2010 May, 4). VicePresident Biden, HHS Secretary Sebelius Announce Selection of 15Health IT Pilot Communities through Recovery Act Beacon CommunityProgram.Retrieved 7/6/16)