Management and leadership essay

The following write up gives a narration and an in depth analysis of a real life situation which I faced a few years back. The write up will explain how the situation was responsible for altering and changing my perceptions and behavior to some extent. Furthermore, after a detailed description of the event the write up will try to link it with various framework theories as mentioned by Bolman and Deal. Moreover, the write up will also explain how theories mentioned by other theorist like Mintzberg. In the end the essay will give a conclusion.

The conclusion will give an explanation of what I have learned from the event. Almost everyone in his/her life experiences events which changes that person’s perspective of life. Such life changing events are unusual and they can be easily differentiated by other common, day to day events which do not tend to alter our behavior and have no affect whatsoever on our attitudes and beliefs. Unlike, these usual day to day events these life changing or ‘critical’ events occur hardly once or twice in a person’s entire life and tend to alter the behavior of that person in a significant way.

One such event occurred in my life few years back. The event significantly altered my perception of management and leadership. The event was a actually a catalyst in bringing out and nurturing my leadership qualities. The following paragraphs will discuss about that event, and how it altered my perceptions and attitude. Furthermore, the paragraph will also try to explain how the mega frames, helped me make sense of my experience. My friend and I started a small business two years back. We used to import low priced children toys from different countries having no packaging and design as such.

We used to buy the low priced puzzles from a friend who had a margin on every set of puzzle. The friend used to buy those puzzles in bulk and used to supply it to us on cash or sometimes credit. Since the toys had no packaging as such a considerable portion of time of our business was spent on packaging and modifying the toys as per the needs of the children and our different clients/ customers. For this we hired around ten unskilled workers who were trained by my friend, who had a great experience of doing this since he used to perform the same task while working part time for a manufacturing concern.

Once the toys were properly packaged and modified they were sold to retailers who used to pay us within 15 days of the delivery of goods if they were satisfied. Since we maintained a good quality of packaging none of our consignments were rejected or returned and thus we used to earn profit on every toy we sold. Our business continued to thrive and flourish successfully and built a good image in the minds of our clients. Therefore, one day few years back we received two large orders of packaged toys from two different retailers simultaneously.

The order required us to deliver those two retailers a very large quantity of toy sets which required considerable modifications within just two months. Both the orders were unprecedented in scope in terms of the number of hours they required and the expected profits. Furthermore, successfully delivering the order to our clients would have enabled us to further enhance and improve the image of our business. Therefore, we hastily accepted and promised those two retailers to deliver packaged and modified toys within just two months.