Literature Review essay



Obesityis one of the most important health issues in the modern society. Asignificant number of children and adults in the modern society areobese. Childhood obesity has more implications compared to obesity inadults. The significance of obesity on health outcomes has influencedme to choose this topic and article. I like this article because itlooks at the trend of obesity prevalence in both children and adults.


Theselection of the article started with a literature search, in bothonline and print databases. This was followed by reading the abstractof different articles to select the most appropriate article for thereview. The selection was based on the topic covered by the article,contents and quality of study and data supporting the conclusion.

Article:Ogden, Cynthia L. Carroll, Margaret, Kit, Brian K. and Flegal,Katherine. Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the UnitedStates, 2011-2012. TheJournal of the American Medical Association,(2014), 311(8): 806-814.


Itis estimated that over a third of the adult population and about 17percent of the children in the United States are obese. Although theprevalence of obesity has stabilized in the last one and halfdecades, the statistics have remained significantly high. Thisarticle aimed at providing the most recent estimates and trends inchildhood and adult obesity in the United States. The study involveda National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey involving 9120participants. Weight per length was used in children below two yearswhile body mass index was used for older children. Center forDiseases Control and Prevention charts were used to determine whetherthe child is obese. Body mass index was used in the adult subjects.The trends were analyzed over a period ten years divided into fiveresearch periods between 2003 and 2012 (Ogden et al, 806).

Thestudy established that 8.1 percent of the infants below two years and16.9 percent of children aged 2 and 19 years were found to be obese.34.9 percent of the adults involved in the study were considered tobe obese. The study did not find any significant change in prevalenceof obesity in both children and adult between 2003 and 2012. However,the prevalence remains high (Ogden et al, 806).


Theauthors of the article are holders of Ph.D., MSPH, and MPH. They arealso affiliated with reputable institutions such as Center forDiseases Control and Prevention and US Public Health Services. Thissuggests that the article has significant authority. The article iscredible because it is dependent on recent findings and primarystatistics. Additionally, since the article depends on primary datacollected over a period of ten years, the authors are able to providean objective and unbiased perspective. The statistical data is usedto persuade the reader and enhance the validity article. The mostconvincing aspect of the study is the high prevalence of obesity inthe society which has remained unchanged over a ten years period.


Thisarticle is essential for this study because it provides a perspectivethat lacks in a majority of the similar studies. Other studies focuson secondary data or prevalence of obesity in a particularpopulation. However, this article is based on primary data whichanalysis changes in trends of obesity prevalence over a period of tenyears. Additionally, it focuses on both children and adult, whichmakes it valuable in the development of my thesis.


Ogden,Cynthia L. Carroll, Margaret, Kit, Brian K. and Flegal, Katherine.Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States,2011-2012. TheJournal of the American Medical Association,(2014), 311(8): 806-814.


Ogden,Cynthia L. Carroll, Margaret, Kit, Brian K. and Flegal, Katherine.Prevalence of Childhood and Adult Obesity in the United States,2011-2012. TheJournal of the American Medical Association,(2014), 311(8): 806-814.