Legalized marijuana for recreational use essay

Legalizedmarijuana for recreational use

Theheated discussion on the legalization of Marijuana for recreationaluse has long bothered the citizens of America. Several politicalfeatures must be considered when making federal decisions that affectmany people. Nevertheless, long before the US was an idea, severalcultures had utilized the plant for many archaic recreational uses.The Particular States prohibits the use of marijuana for recreationalpurposes. While some people may be feeling that the drug is dangerouswhich would lead to addiction to other substances, some believe thatit can be used for recreational purposes. Marijuana has always beendamned just like alcohol (Anderson,Hansen, and Rees 334). For instance, a 1936 film depicts thatMarijuana can impact an individual to the point of insanity.

Thelaws that prohibit the use of Marijuana for recreational purposes aresuggestive of the prohibition law of the 1920s on alcohol that wasabolished 1933. The legislation against the recreational use of theplant are primitive and thus are not reflective of the modernsociety. Most of the previous researches have shown that Marijuanaprohibition is counterproductive to the interest of the moderncivilized world. The report discusses on the recreationallegalization of marijuana.

Thecurrent law allows possession, purchasing, and consumption ofmarijuana. An adult 21 years is authorized to be in possession of anounce of Cannabis. One may enjoy edible and concentrated forms ofMarijuana. Cannabis seeds have been made available. However,purchasing limits are limited to not more than 7 grams in atransaction. The law prevents visitors from shifting from one retailshop to another. This restriction has some gray areas. The state alsorestricts the store hours by allowing the stores to operate from 8 amtill midnight

Thereare several arguments for marijuana legalization in standard form.Legalizing marijuana will reduce the cases of the government spendingon court costs, arrest and incarceration of those caught with thedrug. Also, legalizing the drug fro recreational purposes wouldreduce the number of organized crimes and thus would reduce the costsof medical marijuana. When compared to other available substances,Marijuana causes less impairment. Another argument asserts that it isa Hemp plant family related to Hops (Anderson,Hansen, and Rees335).Hops are already used to make beer which is legal. Also, marijuanamay be more gateway drug than other substances and thus does not needartificial chemicals since it is natural compared to alcohol. It maybe hard to regulate marijuana since many people are growing it. Thus,Marijuana for recreational purposes should be legalized.

Thefirst premises of legalizing the drug are that the expense to enforcelaws to regulate marijuana is too costly. Despite the deficit of thefederal in the US, the nation accommodates 25% of the prisonpopulation in the world. At the same time, the country holds 5% ofthe total population of the world. Billions are spent each year onlegal costs, courts, government agencies and incarceration of peoplefor using or having the plant that can be grown by anybody. Also,another premise is that organized gangs and crime grow daily becauseMarijuana recreational usage is illegal in many states of the world.

Recreationallegalization of Marijuana is a reality in Colorado and Washington.Legalization was made in 2012 after voter’s permitted personalrecreational use by adults 21 or older. This shows that a personcannot face arrest, convicted or ticketed for using Marijuanaprovided you follow the requirement of place, age and amount to beconsumed (Osborne, Geraint.and Curtis 540).Nevertheless, a person can be arrested for trafficking or sellingMarijuana if the state laws are not followed to the latter.

Despitethe high recreational usage of Marijuana in the US, little is knownabout the impact it has on our daily lives. Several studies haveexplored this issue. However, the research may have relied on theretrospective report or done in a lab of use and mood. This meansthat it is unreliable. One basic technique of capturing informationabout real life experiences setting is the EMA where the participantscan answer distinct queries as they go about the daily life(Anderson, Hansen, and Rees338). A recent 2-week study usingsmart phone-based EMA, the average use was 4.5 days in a period of 30days. These participants also answered questions aimed to assess thehostility based on the interaction with another person which lastedfor 5 minutes. The results showed a correlation with increasedimpulsivity on the day of use (Andersonand Rees 222).

In1970, Marijuana was categorized as a schedule 1 drug which meant thatit had a higher risk for possible abuse and had no recreationalvalue. It said that the drug was compared to hallucinogens andopiates. Researchers have tried to present rough approximations ofthe correlation through embracing a price variation andcross-sectional policy. These estimates could be spurious. Therefore,more dependable approximations based on well-defined basicpracticalities show that Marijuana and alcohol can be substituted. Asa result of the social costs connected with alcohol consumptionoutweighing with Marijuana consumption, it can be concluded thatlegalizing marijuana for recreational use will possibly improve thepublic health (Osborne,Geraint. and Curtis 545).

In1996, voters in California passed the Act that removed penaltiesrelated to use, cultivation and possession of medical marijuana. BothWashington and Colorado have legalized the commercial distributionand production of marijuana for recreational uses. Nevertheless,these activities are not allowed by the federal law. Consequently,large-scale farming of marijuana with unskilled workers and tractorsis will not likely occur. Rather, the production will consistentlytake place (Anderson andRees 222).

Underthe police power, the state is free to criminalize any conduct withinthe confines of federal and state government which they wish todeter. Though the federal government may use its power to encourageadoption of particular criminal laws, it is limited to the tenthamendment that prevents federal, state from managing the states inits capacity to influence the state policy directly. The basis thefederal state has criminalized the conduct does not mean the statewould decriminalize in return it is recognized that the federal andstate government operates two separate powers enacting independentand separate criminal regimes. Although the legalization in Coloradoand Washington would possibly survive a legal challenge, licensingand regulating aspects if the law may raise some preemption concerns(Osborne,Geraint. and Curtis 550). In addition to licensing andregulation of recreational marijuana use, both Washington andColorado impose an excise tax on sales of marijuana.

Reducingtraffic fatalities and injuries is one of the benefits ofrecreational marijuana. THC, a psychoactive element of marijuanaimpairs related functions of driving. Drivers under THC influencecompensate these impairments (Darkle, Kelly &amp Ross, 2004). Forexample, drivers will tend to drive slowly under the influence ofMarijuana and thus take fewer risks. In contrasts, the drivers underthe influence of alcohol may tend to drive faster and may, therefore,take more risks. Nevertheless, combined use of alcohol and marijuanamay jeopardize the body functions and therefore legalizing therecreation marijuana use may hinder safety (Osborne,Geraint. and Curtis 567). From above, research regarding onwell presented shows that youths share the accidents and substitutemarijuana for other substances

Washingtonlegislation that allowedd recreational use of marijuana argued thatTHC limit is five monograms. A THC above the limit may be viewed bythe policy makers and the public as an important complement to thelegalization of recreational marijuana. Nevertheless, there is littleevidence since these limits improve the safety of the roadway(Khatapoush, Shereen, and Hallfors752). Citing insufficient evidence, the policy makers mayregard reducing BAC limit.

Manypeople believe that Marijuana plant is not the problem but anadministration route. The most fundamental were of using the drug isthrough smoking and inhaling the smoke into the lungs. As a result,this causes respiratory illness. For the effects of THC to be felt,the plant needed to be exposed to the body and heated up. While nodefinitive proof of lung cancer exists as a result of smokingMarijuana, the cigarette is known to one of the leading causes ofcancer. Consequently, most people do not get the sense in smoking asubstance as a recreational use. THC is the easiest way to getabsorption. However, vaporization of marijuana is becoming preferredadministration technique. The vaporization aspect allows formarijuana to be heated up without the byproducts of the smoke(Khatapoush, Shereen, and Hallfors758). As such, it is healthier for the body. In essence, itallows for more absorption of THC.

Thisis a healthier and safer form of administering the drug to the bodysince you are not exposed to the carcinogens associated with thesmoking acts. Thus, if a person has to take Marijuana for recreationuse via vaporization, he/she would get the positive impact withoutthe possibility for respiratory issues to form. If marijuana wereadministered and legalized fro recreational use through vaporization,then most people would take it for recreational purposes withoutgetting any issues (Khatapoush,Shereen, and Hallfors 759).

Therecreational problem that has baffled scientists is cancer and thelack of available options. Nevertheless, marijuana is being used formedicinal purposes. CBD, a nonpsychoactive and non-toxic chemicalcompound can turn off the ID-1 gene. Since there is no psychoactivecomponent, an individual does not get the feelings associated withthe effects. This property of the plant is being discovered forrecreational use means that there are higher hopes that the drugpossesses various medical properties that are yet to be known. Ifmarijuana became wholly legalized for recreational use, it would givedoctors the capacity to acquire samples to run tests (Khatapoush,Shereen, and Hallfors 760).

IfMarijuana has diverse possible functions from a medical viewpoint,there are two options to consider about legalizing marijuana forrecreation use. This is because many people are using the drug forthe purposes that are not intended and are abusing this productrecreationally. Massive marijuana use is related to psychosis,cognitive impairment, and severe mental illness in some cases. Tounderstand the recreational use, research was conducted by scientistson the users who smoked marijuana for not less than four times a week(Khatapoush, Shereen, and Hallfors759). The study shows the four joints of smoking or moreresulted in reduced mental test performance whereas those who hadbeen smoking for decades were the worst.

Long-termmarijuana user is 70 percent impaired based on decision-making testscompared to about 55% of short-term users and nonusers. Such studymay make people reluctant about driving on roads since it is hard toknow the impaired persons. Nevertheless, it is only 8.8 percent whichcaused accidents had taken marijuana in their system. While alcoholhas a greater number of accidents, marijuana is far much better.Therefore, while marijuana may impair the cognitive capacity in thelong term, it is not as bad as another substance intake (Gerber,Joseph 55)

Inaddition to the THC tracking levels, some of the researchers havefocused on the dangers of the contamination in marijuana sold on thestreet. It can be noted that the success of medical marijuana pavedthe way to recreational marijuana where doctors may prescribecannabis for recreational instances. Although some of the physiciansagree that the drug is safe enough to be used to reduce certainmedical conditions temporary, the safety of using it recreationallyis understood poorly. It is worried that both long and short-term useof the drug may harm the mind and the body. The continued popularityof cannabis among the youths raises particular concerns since thedrug might act as a barrier to brain maturation. Worse still, the newgrowing methods for cannabis Sativa have increased the potency of thedrug. Some experts argues that high octane marijuana has fueled thecases of marijuana addiction. Although investigators are stilldiscussing how legalization of recreational marijuana will shift theroad safety overall, studies show that the slow reactions time of thedrug and further impairs the distance perception (Gerber,Joseph 68). Besides that evidence, most of the marijuanaregulation for recreational use does not account for the possiblerisks

Althoughthe immediate impacts of marijuana are easy to monitor in the lab,the long-term effect of the drug affects the mind, and the body arecomplicated to determine. The results so far which are subject tovarious interpretations indicate the need to take caution. In arecent study by Meier of Duke University examined data from 1037people in New Zealand. It was found out that individuals who begantaking marijuana at an earlier age and used it more over the years,exhibited an average decline of eight IQ by the time they were 38.Those who never smoked had an average IQ increase by the same age(Gerber, Joseph 70).

Areal analysis shows that IQ differences could be expounded throughsocioeconomic factors. People who start smoking at an earlier age areless intelligent. This shows that IQ drop is greater for those whostarted smoking pots at a previous age as teenagers rather than theadults. The finding shows that the youth who intake of drugs shouldbe discouraged. Potent marijuana in the recent past may trigger anabrupt addiction among the youths. Based on a report realized oneyear ago, the average concentration of THC between the years 1993 to2008 in confined marijuana jumped from 3.4-8%. In the meantime,rehabilitation centers and hospitals for the minors abusing the drugsoared by 188% (Gerber, Joseph 74)

Legalizingmarijuana has both benefits and setbacks. It is argued that itslegalization boosts revenue to fund their projects. It is effectivelaw enforcement, and criminal justice since it advocate claim thatpolice will be given more time and money to go after criminals. Lessmoney is used to support the organized crimes. It enhances safetycontrol and wider access to the medicinal use since marijuana hasbeen argued to be effective in treating various health conditionssuch as epilepsy and post-traumatic stress disorder. It reducesstreet justice as a result of drug dispute and lose of business tothe drug business. Nevertheless, from the research, legalization ofthis drug may be addictive when used on long term basis. It givesaltered perception by changing the way the body works. Weed is agateway drug that introduces the users to more illegal substances.Research argues that its use might be linked to the higher risk ofdrug use being prescribed. That means the movement to legalize thedrug for recreational use is already a reality in some areas. Thoughthere are advantages and disadvantages. The essential element here isthe judicial system, local government, addiction treatmentspecialists and law enforcement officials to work in unison to createcommunity free from marijuana substance abuse and its other effects(Gerber, Joseph 75)


Theheated discussion on the legalization of Marijuana for recreationaluses has long bothered the citizens in America. There are particularregions where it is legal to use marijuana for recreational uses. Thelaws that prohibit the use of Marijuana for recreational uses aresuggestive of the prohibition law of the 1920s on alcohol that wasabolished 1933. Legalizing marijuana will reduce the cases of thegovernment spending on court costs, arrest and incarceration of thosecaught with the drug. Also, legalizing the drug fro recreationalpurposes would reduce the number of organized crimes and thus wouldreduce the costs of medical marijuana. Another argument asserts thatit is a Hemp plant family related to Hops. Hops are already used tomake beer which is legal.

Recreationallegalization of Marijuana is a reality in Colorado and Washington. In1970, Cannabis was referred as schedule 1 drug which meant that ithad a higher risk for possible abuse and had no recreational value.In 1996, Californian voter passes an Act that eradicated thepunishment related to use, cultivation and possession of medicalmarijuana. Under the police power, the state is free tocriminalize any conduct within the confines of federal and stategovernment which they wish to deter. Marijuana has been used forrecreational purposes. However, thus goes without saying that manypeople have abused the drug. At the short term, the effects may notbe seen. Nevertheless, in the long run, the effects may be severeespecially when the drug is abused in the name of using it forrecreational purposes. Nevertheless, recreationally, it is good tolegalize the drug only when viable measures are used to control themisuse.


Anderson,D. Mark, and Daniel I. Rees. &quotThe Legalization of RecreationalMarijuana: How Likely Is the Worst‐CaseScenario?.&quot&nbspJournalof Policy Analysis and Management&nbsp33.1(2014): 221-232.

Anderson,D. Mark, Benjamin Hansen, and Daniel I. Rees. &quotMedical marijuanalaws, traffic fatalities, and alcohol consumption.&quot&nbspJournalof Law and Economics&nbsp56.2(2013): 333-369.

Gerber,Rudolph Joseph.&nbspLegalizingmarijuana: drug policy reform and prohibition politics.Greenwood Publishing Group, 2004.

Khatapoush,Shereen, and Denise Hallfors. &quot“Sending the wrong message”:did medical marijuana legalization in California change attitudesabout and use of marijuana?.&quot&nbspJournalof Drug Issues&nbsp34.4(2004): 751-770.

Kondrad,Elin, and Alfred Reid. &quotColorado family physicians` attitudestoward medical marijuana.&quot&nbspTheJournal of the American Board of Family Medicine26.1(2013): 52-60.

Osborne,Geraint B., and Curtis Fogel. &quotUnderstanding the motivations forrecreational marijuana use among adult Canadians.&quot&nbspSubstanceuse &amp misuse&nbsp43.3-4(2008): 539-572.