Leadership Leadership essay



Leadership remains to be an integral aspect of the society. In anygiven day, one is bound to meet individuals who portray leadershipattributes. A person is described as being a leader based on thecharacteristics that they depict (Nichols, &amp Cottrell, 2014). Themanner in which they conduct themselves in the society, how theyinteract and the way in which they solve the issues that they faceplays a crucial role regarding the attribution of a particularindividual as a leader (Chemers, 2014). The essay highlights about anindividual I perceive a leader. The decision to name him a leaderemanates from the fact that he has stood out when it comes to themanner in which he conducts himself and the way he deals with thevarious issues. He has proven to be the kind who understands whatleadership entails. An individual who knows people enough to havegained their trust stands out to be a leader.

Description of Relationship with Individual Leader

My leader of choice is a fellow course mate. He is a peer whom weboth undertake the same course. Students in class look up to him forthe way in which he conducts his affairs. He has been entrusted bythe students to be in charge of the activities and serves as therepresentative for the class at various administrative levels. He isthe kind who seeks the opinion of everyone who looks up to him beforetaking a step on a particular decision. He is a peer whom one canattribute with positivity and sees the best in the team he isworking.

Analysis of the Leader

He is an emergent leader. Emergent leaders have been described asthose who take upon tasks in a voluntary manner. They help others tocomplete their duties and encourage them in all that they are doing.He has earned the title of an emergent leader for the manner in whichhe conducts himself. He is the type who would reach out to anybodywho needs his help, and he would not hesitate to provide a helpinghand. He has earned respect among the class members for the way hebehaves. It is out of his noble deeds that the rest of the class feltbest to appoint him as the class representative. He has shown empathyfor those in need making him be an emergent leader.

As a leader, he has much influence on the rest of his peers. Havingbeen trusted with the mandate of being in charge of the classaffairs, he has demonstrated much influence not only on the fellowpeers but on how he addresses various issues when it comes toadministration. As a class representative, one of the duties entailsbeing in charge of class activities through coordination. He hasshown much skill in conducting the affairs of the class. If decisionsare to be made in class, he has to be consulted because of theinfluence he has. He can analyze issues before arriving at adecision. He understands the circumstances that may have led to aparticular matter and makes a decision after consulting with therest.

Trait Theory of Leadership

Various characteristics can be attributed to the leaders,particularly on how he approached different issues. The firstcharacter that stands out is the intelligent aspect of the leader(Penney, Kelloway, &amp O’Keefe, 2015). He has found himself invarious circumstances where he has to solve issues that arise.Because of his intelligent nature, he has often stood out. He isalert and has much insight on various issues. The leader can beportrayed as one of those who have vision. They have a plan for theissues that arise and have the best approach to handling a particularproblem that emanates. Further, there is the aspect of sociabilityand self-confidence. Leaders must be individuals who are endowed withtraits that depict confidence in themselves (Schoemaker, Krupp, &ampHowland, 2013). They must be able to interact with othersirrespective of the position they are holding. As a leader, theindividual has demonstrated skill when it comes to the issue ofsocializing with the rest of the people he interacts. He looks beyondone’s flaws but focuses on the strengths of the individual. Fewpeople exist who look out for the best in those they interact. Theability to create time and socialize makes one stand out as a leader.

Emotional Intelligence Theory

The other attribute that makes the leader stand out is his highemotional intelligence. He can be described to have a high emotionalintelligence because of the ability to understand the emotions ofothers and his own. As a leader, he can comprehend what his emotionsmean and how they would impact to him and those around (Schutte,Malouff, &amp Thorsteinsson, 2013). It is for the same reason thathe does not get into conflict with others mainly because he canexercise self-control. Emotional intelligence has been crucial forthe leader in how he handles affairs (Schutte, Malouff, &ampThorsteinsson, 2013). The trait is evident in him as he has beensuccessful in the issues that he feels. The ability to understand hisemotions and those of others has further endowed him with theopportunity to address issues that arise among those he has beenentrusted to lead (Herman, 2014). He is in control and has alwaysstayed calm in matters that are likely to result in significantconflicts. Further, he has always been motivated to encourage othersinto being individuals who respect the others to avoid conflicts.

Skills Approach Leadership

The other attribute that makes the leader stand out is the skills hehas when it comes to the accomplishment of the goals that have beenset. He uses the knowledge and competencies gained in the course ofhis studies to accomplish the goals that he has set. He understandsthe need to set goals and work out ways of achieving them. He canunderstand the technicality revolving around a particular issue andworks to ensure that he attains the goals irrespective of what itwould take. Further, using concepts and ideas, he has been able toengage himself in activities that would see him work throughattaining the goals that he has set. He has a vision and encouragesthose who have entrusted him with the leadership skills to fighttowards the attainment of the objectives. Of significance to him isthe need to look at an issue at a broader picture and work towardsensuring that the goals for the same are attained. The skills-basedapproach theory best explains his leadership. He is the individualwho puts much emphasis on using the skills available to achieve thegoals that have been set.

Situational Approach

The situational theory best explains the particular leader. He is thekind who acts in an appropriate manner depending on the circumstancesor the situation at hand. For example, using his skills as a leader,he understands the need to identify the type of followers he isworking with and employs the strategy that befits the situation(Salehzadeh, Shahin, Kazemi, &amp Shaemi Barzoki, 2015). Forexample, there are instances when he has had to use the delegatingapproach. In many cases, working with the rest of the team, theydecide on the roles that each can undertake, and he steps aside tolet each assume the particular position. He is available to givedirections to the rest of the followers on the particular task theyhave been assigned to undertake. However, in other instances, thesupporting approach has been employed. In such a case, the leader hasbeen depicted to show much support while giving a little direction tothe followers. He is the kind who sets the goal and helps the rest ofthe team toward the attainment of the goals that have been set.Further, he puts emphasis on creating a good relationship with theteam so that they get to attain positive results in the long-run.Further, depending on the prevailing circumstances, he focuses onidentifying the competencies of the people they are working with anduses the same to encourage commitment and competence on their part.Through the same, it has been possible to attain the goals that havebeen set by the rest of the team. The situational theory has beensignificant when it comes to the overall process of conducting theleadership duties.

Transformational Leadership

Further, the transformational theory best describes the manner inwhich the leader conducts himself. The theory identifies the need forone to employ human values and ethics in all that they have beenentrusted to undertake. As a leader, the individual has often focusedon ensuring that encourage cooperation among the rest of the teammembers as a way of ensuring that the goals that have been set areattained (Caldwell, Dixon, Floyd, Chaudoin Post, &amp Cheokas,2012). He identifies the need to establish long-term goals andmobilizes the rest of the team toward achieving the goals. He isfurther an individual who makes people highlight their pressingneeds. Through the same, he works with the rest of the team towardensuring that they solve the issues that affect them. In conductingis activities, he reminds the rest of the team members on the need toeliminate the aspect of competition with each other but focuses onattaining the goals that would bring a greater good to many (Caldwellet al., 2012). Also, the ability to foster a healthy understandingmakes it possible for him as a leader to encourage teamwork among therest of the team to attain the objectives that are in place(Ghasabeh, Soosay, &amp Reaiche, 2015). It is an attribute thatmakes him stand out regarding the issues that he handles. It isessential that as a leader, one focuses on working with the rest ofthe team toward ensuring that they attain the objectives that wouldbring good (Dantley, &amp Tillman, 2006). The transformationaltheory that best describes the leader elaborates such attributes inhim.

Unique Situational Variables and “Dark Side” of Leadership

A fundamental aspect that makes the individual stand out as a leaderis the manner in which he tackles the issues that befall him. Despitehis tender age, the individual has been able to conduct affairs in amature manner that depicts his leadership skills. He has theattributes of a leader anyone would desire to have. Overall, theleader is admirable especially because of the manner in which heconducts his affairs and how he deals with the rest of the peoplearound him (Schoemaker, Krupp, &amp Howland, 2013).

However, although the positive sides highlighted about the leader, hehas shown traits that need to be improved. Particularly, there is theaspect of delegating some duties to the rest of the team. As aleader, it is crucial that one takes the responsibility of makingdecisions and preparing for the consequences that emanate from thesame (Schoemaker, Krupp, &amp Howland, 2013). It may not beappropriate always to delegate duties to the rest of the team. Aleader must make a stance and make decisions by himself.


Leadership requires that one has qualities that get him to stand outfrom the others. Irrespective of the position they hold in thesociety, the decision by people to entrust one with the leadershipduties depends on how best they conduct themselves. Leaders mustensure that they exercise certain traits that distinguish them fromthe rest. Of significance is the need to act in compassion andempathy for each other while at the same time exercising authority.Such traits must be held by individuals who are leaders, and theyneed to act by example. It is mandatory that one behaves in a moralmanner that people can emulate them.


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