International ethics are the general moral principles which are set by the allied nations and signed so as to be applicable to every individual party within the related states. The principles are formulated in a manner such that various ethnic cultures, groups and also different religious beliefs can adoptable without pressing some parties. Generally, they apply to some fields like trading sectors, politics and religion (Ghosh, 76). For instance, when North Korea faced famine crisis in the mid 1990’s it overcame a very challenging principles and humanitarian quandaries for foreign help workers who tried to assist tem to curb the problem.
Since the time of the crisis, the relationship between the people of Korea and the American’s religiously assisted Non-Governmental Organization has still been existing despite the fact that North Korea overcame the international diplomatic problems and famine crisis. The united agencies, organizations and other international aid organizations provoked the conditions under which they worked, which were unlike what they considered as humanitarian tragedy situations. The major crisis was the situation of the collapse of the authority in politics.
American Non-Governmental Organizations were at the same time disadvantaged by various political limitations which were of different degree to those of counterparts of South Korea or European’s. Religion and political aspects are also reflected in the international ethics of the United States and Saudi Arabia where the both nations greatly depend on one another economically. In 2002, Saudi Arabia was rated as the second largest trading partner of the United States in the whole of Middle East.
Both nations have a cooperative apprehension for security in the region, importation and exportation of the oil products, and other economic developments. Due to this reason, the close bind of Saudi Arabia and United States deserves a close assessment of principal concern that may occur between the two nations. In terms of religion, although both nations cooperate in economic and trading values, they greatly differ in their religion faith. For the case of Saudi Arabia, their Religion is extremely embedded in Islamic values which in turn make their ethical conducts to be based on Islamic ideologies (Robert, 55).
In terms of business principles, international ethics apply to both nations. According to Alex Z, in United States there is presence of regulatory frame works encourage the development of ethics programs in businesses is commonplace. An example of a regulatory framework that exists in the United States is the regulations concerning post-employment conflicts of interest. Another difference is evident when it comes to the human rights and discriminations which are associated with the teachings of the Islamic religion. For instance, in economic values, Islamic banking does not value interest charging from the borrowed loans from the bank.
When this aspect of religion is compared with the ones for United States, it is quit different because in United States, there are very many religious beliefs. Consequently, the ethical issues are not mainly rated in terms of specific religions philosophy but somewhat on universal ethical principles of humanity. In terms of trade, Price Abdullah met the United States president George Bush in the city of Crawford whereby they discussed vital issues pertaining strengthen the ties and relationships between United States and Saudi Arabia.
Both countries have been trading for several decades. Currently, it is noted that, the economy in the United Kingdom is extremely improving whereby the Saudi Arabian country decided to invest more businesses not only to its country but also to international markets, among them being American Investors (Young, 67). About their trade mission, Saudi Arabia invited various Companies from the United States to meet the trade delegations and share more about the business relationships.
The main objective here was to have most of the United States’ Companies be exposed to over $620 billion worthy of activities coming on line before 2020. They also intended to show the Americans how they can carry out their activities and also allow them to take part in the projects. Political agenda is another strong concern between Saudi Arabia and the United States. Each of them has the political issues extremely entrenched into their structures as their culture and backgrounds. This implies the fact that the ethics exercised by both nations greatly rely on the political integrity the both countries possess.
More so, since United States is a form of presidential republic and Saudi Arabia is an Oligarchy Nation, this poses another big difference between the two nations in their ethical systems (Foot, 45). This difference can be evident in the way the criminals’ cases in Saudi Arabia are punished through corporally means. Also robbing can be disciplined with abstract or total elimination. This is quite different from, the United States become the system of punishing the Criminals is well constituted.
Also, United States has very apparent statutes which regard the punishment of criminal. For instance, some of the punishment for robbery includes doing social work and if to extreme extends, imprisonment is carried out. Only capital and physical sentences are permitted in specific crimes at certain localities within the nation. Still with the sentence of offences, the political conditions of the two nations obviously show a great difference. Most of differences have been noted to exist between the United States and Saudi Arabia.
For the two countries to fully arrive at an agreement, they have been trying to address the major aspects which can lead to their accord (Vogel, 86). The United States has been in negotiations with Saudi Arabia to do away with its plans and sign an agreement that would strictly restrain the ability of United Nations to critically check any atomic activity for Saudi Arabia. More so, Italy portrays another example of how international ethics is applied. This is evident by its interest in being a focus for Saudi Arabia students to study in its universities.
Italian ambassador to Armando Kingdom clearly put through that his nation is ready to strength the cultural and ethical cooperation with the kingdom by allowing the Saudi students to undergo postgraduate courses and even masters as a way of preserving the antiquities and also to boost the local tourism (Zhuhur, 189). On the other hand, Saudi Arabia came up with a program of launching vigorous and severe campaign of ant-smoking in the learning institutions throughout the United Kingdom of America. This issue was announced the meeting of marking the anti-tobacco day in 2005 at the king chest sanitarium.
The essence to launch this campaign was to ensure that over 600,000 children of school age in Unites Kingdom are tobacco smokers. If this international principles would work effectively many students would be saved from the smoking associated complications among other problems. Against in terms of business, Saudi Arabia only signed a short term accord with Washington for Oil supply to the United States at fixed costs (Zhuhur, 221). If all nations would come to an agreement on how to carry out certain issues like trade, religion and politics, much of conflicts would not be arising in most of the nations.The international ethics should not be bias to particular nations but should accommodate to every member country.
Work cited
Foot R. The order and justice in international relationships. Oxford, 2003. Ghosh, P. New International Economy. Westport. 1984. Robert S. The international Relations and Dictatorship. New York, 1954. Vogel, F. Islamic Legal and Law system. Boston, 2000. Youngs, R. The international Democracy and the West. Oxford, 2004. Zhuhur, S. Saudi Arabia Political Reform. Carlisle Barracks, 2005.