Importance of the Music Education in the Primary Schools essay

Never before was music as universal as it is in the present age. Although a lot of music produced these days is not exactly ‘music to our ears’, as it is loud, has bad lyrics and isn’t very soothing or beneficial to us. This type of music has no emotional and rational value but there is music being produced which is very beneficial to us as human beings, music can be a way of communication, a mode to find inner peace and a medium to transport the inner bad feelings and negativities to a place far away! (Dr. Mirko Slosar, N.P. , 1998)

Psychologically we compare music with speech, because music too can work as a form of communication. Music is much more expressive and isn’t bound to one language. Music is less rigid than speech. In order to understand the language of music its and to benefit from it fully, a child should be taught music in the same way as his/her mother’s tongue, all through the time period he/she learns all the other general education.. (Dr. Mirko Slosar, N. P. , 1998) Benefits of Teaching Music Education in the Primary Schools

Research has shown that music in schools both primary and secondary gets much less attention than other subjects. It doesn’t enjoy the same status in the curriculum which other subjects like English, Math and the other Science subjects do, to say its’ neglected would be an understatement. Yet even though it is neglected by many schools, the sense of music and the listening habits can be taught and developed in any student. Music education brings out the creative principles in students and helps them to feel more in touch with their emotions.

It also plays an important role in developing intellect in a person as well as higher mental cognitive functions. Researches and stats have proved that music has shown positive affects on the success rates of school going students. Results of more recent studies on connections between the student’s psychophysical development and music are emphasizing the need of music education in order to enhance a child’s emotional, physical and cognitive development, which is also known as the relationship between the right and the left hemisphere of the brain.

Music also helps in developing personal identity of children. Music activates many emotional processes in students which in turn persuades and encourages them to take much better interest in all the other subjects. Music helps in relaxing students and decreases stress. Music can help in mixing students with special needs into schools for regular students. Music can be used effectively to make environment of a school healthy, positive and encouraging to work and excel in academically as well as musically. (Dr. Mirko Slosar, N. P. , 1998)

The basic music education at primary level, targets three basic areas, which are; performance, creativity and listening. Qualities which Good Primary School Music Teachers should possess ? They should have rhythmic, melodic and harmonic musical ears ? A proper vocal technique and be able to play various instruments ? musical creativity ? practical musical knowledge ? An inclination towards imparting quality music education (Dr. Mirko Slosar, N. P. , 1998) Music Aiding the Social, Psychological and Intellectual Development of Children

In music performance, when a student is made to sing and perform on a simple instrument then that activity allows the child to express themselves using music, which is new and different to the conventional ways of expressing oneself. The children at primary school level should be exposed to simple and similar instruments such as the piano and the key board; this would eventually lead them to be more creative. Simple instrument playing is an important part of music education. It encourages the whole class to interact with each other, where individual students perform within groups and create new and positive sounds.

In some schools, teachers include traditional folk instruments into their music classes and this is a good practice as it creates awareness among students regarding various cultures and the unique and distinct musical instruments which different cultures have. Using musical instruments also makes music education much more interesting as using instruments great for motivating and learning. Playing in a group has a positive impact on student’s musical development, and at the time it develops the student intellectually, physically, emotionally and socially.

(Dr. Mirko Slosar, N. P. , 1998) A study conducted in 2006 by Professor Susan Hallam of the Institute of Education showed that learning music in helps children in boosting their school performance significantly along with their overall well being. This particular research identified that apart from teaching teamwork and cooperation music also aids an increase in a child’s concentration levels, helps children relax and believe it or not also helps them in the development of their Mathematical and English language skills.

(IoE, N. P. , 2007) A research was conducted by Schellenberg on random children, to determine the effect of music lessons. An IQ test was given to 144, 6-year-olds before they began their first grade. The children were divided into four particular groups, each group was given a different set of lessons and one group was a control group. The groups were given either keyboard lessons, voice lessons, or drama lessons. The control group was given no lessons.

There was a second test which the children had to take during the transition from first to second grade and the results showed that the increase in IQ of those students who took some form of musical education was greater than of the control groups. Another test proved that the effects of musical training on intellectual abilities are larger with longer periods of training and much longer lasting. According to Schellenberg music education enhances memorization, form of expressing emotions in children, and the cognitive benefits which are similar to those in learning two or more languages.

He confirms that the benefits of music learning are both short term and long term. Hence music education will not only aid students while they are in primary schools but the benefits could extend way beyond the primary level of education and into the secondary levels if continued properly. (Schellenberg, 6, 2004) Music Enhancing Creativity “Creativity is the deepest, most fundamental dimension of all action; it is the dimension from within which all other elements of action can be reconstructed”. Music education guides towards better hearing skills, it cultivates musical creativity.

The skills gained through musical education will improve social and religious involvement as an adult. (Woody, 5-7, 2007) To conclude, researches have shown and given evidence in backing up the fact that music helps make children in being more. Active music incorporated in children’s curriculum is more beneficial than them just hearing making passive music. (Norman M. Weinberger, N. P. , 1998) Music Aiding Psychological Development in Children Music has psychological effects on a well being of a child as well as the much talked about educational benefits.

Jacqueline Roberts, of the ‘Nordoff-Robbins Music Therapy Centre (U. K)’, pinpoints the immense benefits of musical aid as in therapy for countless sexually abused children. For instance a sexually abused child called Samantha was suffering from posttraumatic stress disorder but thanks to years of musical therapy, Samantha managed to get in touch with her emotions and learnt to voice her feelings, depression and the ordeal that she had been through musical instruments in the musical sessions.

Samantha learned self control and reduced her emotional flare-ups and over all learnt to be at peace with her surroundings in a controlled manner. (Robarts, 258-263, 2006) According to Robarts: music is a two-way channel, it goes back and forth between the lands of realms of imagination and play, music can reach an inner being of a person and for a disturbed, abused and emotionally frail child it can work wonders as far as support and healing of the mind and body is concerned.

(Robarts, 265, 2006) Psychologically music has an ability to heal and to diminish suffering. Music is everywhere, all around us. To incorporate something as integrated and beneficial is music into the primary schools is sure to be a win-win situation as it enhances skills in students educationally and also outside the spectrum of education in a very positive way.